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Elbows Hands Treatments Wrists

Pain in Your Hand, Wrist, or Elbow? When to Seek Help

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Pain is the body’s way of signaling that something might be amiss. But what if the pain occurs in your hand, wrist, or elbow? How do you determine whether it’s a concern that necessitates medical attention or something you can manage at home? Dr. Avery Arora, a hand doctor in Southeast Michigan, provides insights on when to seek help for hand pain, wrist pain, or elbow pain.

Understanding the Source of Pain

Sometimes, the cause of pain is apparent – perhaps you’ve had a recent fall or engaged in strenuous activity. However, in other cases, pain seems to emerge out of nowhere. Dr. Arora explains that pain can result from various factors, including infection, inflammation, or underlying medical conditions like gout or diabetes-related neuropathy. Additionally, the origin of pain might not always be in your arm; a pinched nerve in the neck can radiate pain throughout the arm. It’s essential to consider your activity level and the wear and tear on your body, especially in cases of joint pain or tendinitis. While aging may bring some joint discomfort, it’s not inevitable for everyone.


Common Causes of Hand, Wrist, and Elbow Pain

Several activities or conditions can predispose individuals to pain in these areas:

Golfer’s Elbow

Golfer’s elbow can result from various activities, not just golf. It typically involves repeated bending, grasping, and twisting of the arm and wrist, causing inflammation in the tendons connecting the elbow to the forearm.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

This condition affects the hand and wrist, often caused by repetitive finger and hand use, leading to swelling around the wrist and pressure on the median nerve.


Types like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are known to affect the fingers and hands, causing joint pain due to cartilage breakdown.

Muscle Strains and Ligament Sprains

These injuries can occur in the thumb, finger, and wrist, resulting in pain throughout the hand. Hand sprains, wrist sprains, and/or elbow sprains, often follow an injury or stretching of joint ligaments.

Other Causes

Additional factors contributing to elbow, wrist, or hand pain include Kienböck’s disease, biceps tendonitis, De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, trigger finger, mallet finger, ulnar wrist pain, ganglion cysts, fractures, and tennis elbow. Because there are so many variables, we do always advise to seek medical help as soon as possible.


Assessing Your Pain

Healthcare professionals use triage to determine the need for urgent medical care, and you can apply a similar approach at home. If the pain is excruciating or immobilizes you (e.g., a wrist fracture), seek immediate medical attention. However, for less severe pain, consider these questions:

• Does pressing on the area worsen the pain?
• Is there redness or inflammation?
• Is the area swollen or stiff?
• On a pain scale of 1 to 10 (1 being minimal and 10 the worst), how would you rate your pain?

If you answer “yes” to the first three questions or rate your pain as 6 to 10, it’s time to consult a healthcare provider. For “no” answers and pain levels at 1 to 3, you can start with home treatment.


DIY Care for Hand, Wrist, or Elbow Pain

For manageable symptoms, you can begin with self-care to alleviate discomfort:
1. Apply ice for new-onset pain or heat if it persists.
2. Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help.
3. Consider using a stretchy elastic bandage or compression device for painful or swollen areas.
4. If your pain results from overexertion or repetitive motion (e.g., tennis elbow), rest from the activity and allow your body to recover.


When the Pain Persists

Even tolerable pain warrants attention if it persists. If home treatment doesn’t yield results after a few days, consult a healthcare provider. Be sure to provide comprehensive information about your activities and medications or supplements you’re taking. Doctors can identify underlying issues contributing to persistent pain. While most non-worrisome conditions resolve in a few days, acute symptoms like severe swelling, redness, pain, or deformity may require urgent evaluation and care.

Understanding when to seek help for hand, wrist, or elbow pain is crucial for your overall well-being. By assessing your symptoms and considering their severity, you can make informed decisions about treatment. Remember, pain should never be ignored, but neither should it cause unnecessary alarm. Proper evaluation and care can ensure a swift return to comfort and functionality. These surgical measures may be necessary for various reasons, including joint involvement, open fractures, or loose bone fragments affecting ligaments, nerves, or blood vessels.

If you’re in need of expert care for hand and wrist fractures, contact a MI hand doctor for specialized guidance and treatment. There are many reputable hand doctor options from the Ascension or Beaumont healthcare systems, or you can choose Top Doc Dr. Avery Arora of Arora Hand Surgery. You can schedule an appointment at one of Dr. Arora’s four offices in West Bloomfield, Warren, Macomb, or Howell, Michigan today.

Conditions Hands Treatments Wrists

A Top Michigan Hand Doctor’s Guide to Understanding Hand and Wrist Fractures

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Hand and wrist fractures encompass a spectrum of injuries involving cracks or breaks in the bones of your wrist, hand, or fingers. These injuries can arise from various causes, with the most frequent occurrence being a distal radius fracture – typically the result of attempting to cushion a fall with an outstretched hand. I’m sure just the thought of that is making you cringe because we’ve all been there.

Other common fractures include those of the scaphoid bone, metacarpals, and phalanges (small finger bones). Let’s dive into more detail to better understand hand and wrist fractures and their symptoms.

Signs and Symptoms of Hand and/or Wrist Fractures

Partaking in activities like in-line skating or snowboarding can heighten your risk of these fractures, as can conditions like osteoporosis, where bones become brittle. Recognizing and addressing hand and wrist fractures promptly is vital. Failing to do so could result in misaligned healing, impacting everyday tasks like writing or buttoning a shirt. Swift intervention also minimizes pain and stiffness.

Hand and Wrist Fractures

Indications of a Hand or Wrist Fracture Can Include:

• Intense pain that may worsen with hand or wrist movement, gripping, or squeezing.
• Swelling.
• Tenderness.
• Bruising.
• Obvious deformities, such as a bent wrist.

A Hand/Wrist Fracture Diagnosis

To diagnose a hand or wrist fracture, a physical examination of the affected area is usually accompanied by X-rays. Additional imaging methods can provide more detailed insights, such as:

• CT scan: This technology combines X-rays from different angles to create cross-sectional images, uncovering fractures that may be missed by standard X-rays and identifying soft tissue and blood vessel injuries.

• MRI: This technique uses powerful magnets and radio waves to generate detailed images of bones and soft tissues. MRIs are highly sensitive and can detect even minor fractures and ligament injuries.

Treatment of a Hand/Wrist Fracture

Proper alignment of fractured bone ends is crucial. Your doctor may perform a reduction, repositioning bone fragments, either with local or general anesthesia. Moving uninjured fingers regularly during healing is important to prevent stiffness. Immobilization via splints or casts restricts movement for optimal healing. Keeping the hand elevated above the elbow reduces swelling and pain.

Medications for a Hand/Wrist Fracture

Pain relief can be attained with over-the-counter pain relievers. Narcotic medications are rarely necessary, and NSAIDs might help with pain but could hamper bone healing if used long-term. If there’s an open fracture (where skin near the wound site is broken), antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent bone infection.

Hand Therapy after a Hand/Wrist Fracture

Following cast or splint removal, hand therapy aids in restoring movement and minimizing stiffness. While rehabilitation can be lengthy, it is instrumental in achieving complete healing.

Surgical Options if You Have a Hand/Wrist Fracture

Monitoring progress via X-rays is critical, as bones can shift even after reduction and immobilization. Surgery might be required in cases of bone movement, and options include:

• Closed reduction and pinning: Temporary pins hold aligned fractures until healing, after which they’re removed.

• External fixation: A metal frame outside the body immobilizes fractures with pins passing through the skin and bone. The frame is removed once healing occurs.

• Open reduction and internal fixation: This involves implanting pins, plates, rods, or screws to hold bones in place. Bone grafts might also be employed.

These surgical measures may be necessary for various reasons, including joint involvement, open fractures, or loose bone fragments affecting ligaments, nerves, or blood vessels. If you’re in need of expert care for hand and wrist fractures, contact a MI hand doctor for specialized guidance and treatment. There are many reputable hand doctor options from the Ascension or Beaumont healthcare systems, or you can choose Top Doc Dr. Avery Arora of Arora Hand Surgery. You can schedule an appointment at one of Dr. Arora’s four offices in West Bloomfield, Warren, Macomb, or Howell, Michigan today.

Conditions Fingers Treatments

Identify Symptoms of Trigger Finger and Understand Your Medical Treatment Options

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Trigger finger, also known as stenosing tenosynovitis, is a common hand condition that can cause discomfort and limited mobility. It occurs when the tendons in your fingers become inflamed or swollen, making it difficult to straighten or bend the affected finger smoothly. Recognizing the symptoms of trigger finger and understanding the available medical treatment options is crucial for effective management. In this blog post, we will explore the symptoms of trigger finger and discuss various treatment options to help you make informed decisions regarding your hand health.


Understanding Trigger Finger Symptoms 

  • Finger Stiffness and Snapping Sensation

One of the primary symptoms of trigger finger is stiffness in the affected finger joint. You may notice resistance or a sensation of catching or snapping when trying to straighten or bend your finger. This is caused by the inflamed tendon passing through the narrowed tendon sheath.

  • Finger Locking in a Bent Position

Trigger finger can cause your finger to lock in a bent position, making it challenging to straighten. You may experience a momentary “catch” or “pop” when attempting to extend the finger fully.

  • Finger Pain and Tenderness

Pain and tenderness are common symptoms associated with trigger finger. The affected area may feel sore, particularly around the base of the affected finger.

  • Swelling and Nodule Formation

In some cases, trigger finger may cause swelling and the formation of a small, tender nodule near the base of the affected finger. This nodule can be felt as a palpable lump.


Exploring Medical Treatment Options for Trigger Finger 


Non-Surgical Approaches for Trigger Finger
  • Rest and Activity Modification: Giving your finger rest and avoiding activities that exacerbate symptoms can help reduce inflammation and relieve discomfort.
  • Splinting: Wearing a splint to immobilize the affected finger can help alleviate symptoms by reducing movement and providing support.
  • Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs): Over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen or naproxen can help reduce inflammation and provide temporary relief.
  • Hand Exercises: Performing gentle stretching and strengthening exercises prescribed by a healthcare professional can improve finger mobility and reduce symptoms.
  • Corticosteroid Injections: Your trigger finger hand doctor may recommend a corticosteroid injection. This injection delivers a powerful anti-inflammatory medication directly into the affected area, reducing swelling and relieving symptoms. Multiple injections may be required, depending on the severity of your condition.


Surgical Intervention for Trigger Finger  

If conservative measures and injections fail to provide long-term relief, surgical intervention may be necessary. The surgical procedure, known as a trigger finger release surgery, involves widening the constricted tendon sheath, allowing the tendon to glide freely. This can usually be performed on an outpatient basis, with a relatively quick recovery time.

Recognizing the symptoms of trigger finger and understanding the medical treatment options for trigger finger are essential for effectively managing this common hand condition. If you experience finger stiffness, a snapping sensation, finger locking, pain, tenderness, or swelling, it’s important to seek medical evaluation and diagnosis.

Non-surgical approaches such as rest, splinting, medication, and exercises are often effective in relieving symptoms. However, if conservative treatments prove inadequate, corticosteroid injections or trigger finger release surgery may be recommended to restore finger mobility and alleviate discomfort.

Remember, consulting with a healthcare professional such as Dr. Avery Arora, a top Michigan hand specialist, is crucial for accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment recommendations. They can guide you through the process, help educate you on your trigger finger treatment options, and provide appropriate care to ensure the best possible outcome for your hand health.

If you believe you may be experiencing symptoms of trigger finger, it may be time to get in touch with top MI hand surgeon Dr. Avery Arora. You can schedule an appointment at one of his four offices in West Bloomfield, Warren, Macomb, or Howell, Michigan.

Conditions Treatments Wrists

Understanding the Difference between Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

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In today’s fast-paced world, where technology dominates our daily lives, repetitive movements and extended periods of computer usage have become the norm. Unfortunately, these habits can lead to various health issues, including nerve compression disorders like carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and cubital tunnel syndrome (CuTS). While both conditions affect the upper extremities and cause discomfort, it is crucial to understand their unique characteristics and how they differ. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between carpal tunnel syndrome and cubital tunnel syndrome to help you better understand and manage these conditions.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) 

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome primarily affects the hand and wrist. It occurs when the median nerve, which runs through a narrow passageway in the wrist called the carpal tunnel, becomes compressed or irritated. This can result from repetitive hand movements, such as typing or using a computer mouse, or conditions like arthritis or wrist injuries.

Common Symptoms of CTS 
  • Numbness, tingling, or burning sensation in the thumb, index, middle, and half of the ring finger.
  • Pain or discomfort that radiates from the wrist up the arm.
  • Weakness in the hand, making it difficult to grip objects or perform fine motor tasks.
  • Symptoms tend to worsen at night or during activities that involve bending the wrist.

the Difference between Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Cubital Tunnel Syndrome


Cubital Tunnel Syndrome (CuTS) 

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome affects the ulnar nerve, which passes through a narrow tunnel on the inside of the elbow called the cubital tunnel. This nerve is responsible for supplying sensation and controlling some of the muscles in the hand and forearm. CuTS occurs when the ulnar nerve becomes compressed or irritated, often due to prolonged or repetitive elbow bending or leaning on the elbow for extended periods.

Common Symptoms of CuTS 
  • Numbness or tingling sensation in the ring and little fingers.
  • Weakness in the hand, particularly in the grip or pinch.
  • Pain or discomfort along the inside of the elbow or forearm.
  • Symptoms may worsen with elbow flexion or activities that involve bending the elbow.
Distinguishing Factors 

While both CTS and CuTS involve nerve compression, they differ in terms of the affected nerves and the locations of discomfort:

  • Affected Nerves: CTS involves compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel, while CuTS affects the ulnar nerve at the cubital tunnel inside the elbow.
  • Distribution of Symptoms: CTS primarily affects the thumb, index, middle, and half of the ring finger. In contrast, CuTS commonly causes symptoms in the ring and little fingers.
  • Triggering Factors: CTS is often associated with repetitive hand and wrist movements, whereas CuTS is commonly caused by prolonged elbow flexion or pressure on the elbow.
  • Anatomical Differences: The carpal tunnel is located at the base of the palm, while the cubital tunnel is found on the inside of the elbow.


Treatment and Management for CTS and CuTS 

For both conditions, early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are crucial. Non-surgical approaches for CTS and CuTS include:

  • Resting the affected area and avoiding repetitive movements that exacerbate the symptoms.
  • Applying ice packs to reduce swelling and inflammation.
  • Wearing splints or braces to support the affected area and relieve pressure.
  • Physical therapy exercises to improve strength, flexibility, and posture.
  • In severe cases or when conservative methods fail, surgical intervention may be necessary to relieve pressure on the affected nerve.

Understanding the differences between carpal tunnel syndrome and cubital tunnel syndrome is essential for accurate diagnosis and effective management. While both conditions involve nerve compression and share some similarities in symptoms, they affect different nerves and have distinct locations of discomfort.

CTS primarily affects the median nerve in the carpal tunnel of the wrist, causing numbness, tingling, and weakness in the thumb, index, middle, and half of the ring finger. On the other hand, CuTS affects the ulnar nerve in the cubital tunnel of the elbow, leading to numbness, tingling, and weakness in the ring and little fingers.

Identifying the triggering factors is crucial as well. CTS is commonly associated with repetitive hand and wrist movements, while CuTS is often caused by prolonged elbow flexion or pressure on the elbow.

Both conditions can often be managed conservatively through rest, splinting, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications. However, in severe cases or when conservative methods fail, surgical intervention may be necessary to relieve pressure on the affected nerve. 

If you believe you may be experiencing symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome or cubital tunnel syndrome, it may be time to get in touch with top MI hand surgeon Dr. Avery Arora. You can schedule an appointment at one of his four offices in West Bloomfield, Warren, Macomb, or Howell, Michigan.

Conditions Treatments

How to Treat Tendinitis

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The tendons are the connective tissue that joins muscles in the body to bones. They help to facilitate movement, and many people never give their tendons a second thought. However, it is possible for the tendons to become inflamed, which is known as tendinitis. This condition causes pain, and it can make it hard to move the joint, which severely limits a person’s ability to move freely the way they did before. While all joints could suffer from the condition, some are more prone to tendinitis than others are, namely the elbow and the wrist. Here’s some more information on how to treat tendinitis.


Common Causes of Tendinitis

Many times, tendinitis is the result of repetitive actions. This causes the tendons to be used too much, and some people develop tendinitis as a result. It can occur because of actions from sports, as well as different types of actions performed at work or at home. It is also possible to suffer from tendinitis due to an injury, as well as aging. As people get older, their body begins to break down, and the tendons can be some of the first parts to have trouble. Those who have certain conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes, can also be afflicted with tendinitis.


What Are the Symptoms?

When someone has tendinitis, they generally complain of an aching feeling around the joint. The pain will increase when they try to move the joint, and it can even cause pain if someone bumps or touches the joint. In some cases, particularly after trying to use the afflicted joint, people will also notice some swelling.

how to treat tendonitis


Getting a Diagnosis

When some people feel the onset of tendinitis, they do not realize what it is. They may believe that they are just tired and sore from doing too much, and hope that rest will alleviate the problem. While rest may be able to help, it is always a good idea to speak with a doctor, such as Michigan-based hand surgeon Dr. Avery Arora. A specialized doctor can look at your medical history and examine the joint to determine the problem. Part of the exam will be to test your range of motion. They will want to know what types of activities you do as well, as this can give them a clue as to the nature of the injury. They may also order imaging tests.


Treatment Options

In the cases where tendinitis is relatively mild, there are some simple treatments your doctor can try. They will want you to rest, and they may advise you to use cold or heat on the affected area. They may also recommend taking pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, they could provide you with exercises you can do to strengthen the area.

In some cases, the doctor may also recommend surgery. They are able to remove the inflamed tissue, which can help to reduce the amount of pain the patient feels, and this can provide them with more mobility and range of motion. Each patient is different, and you will want to talk with your doctor about the best options to try when treating your tendinitis.

Here at Arora Hand Surgery, we care about your health. If you are feeling hand, wrist, or elbow discomfort, visit Dr. Avery Arora at one of his southeast Michigan offices located in West Bloomfield, Warren, Macomb Township, or Howell.

General Hands Treatments

Scar Removal & Treatment: How Dr. Arora Minimizes the Appearance of Hand Scars

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Most patients ask us about any potential scarring on the hands or wrists prior to undergoing surgery, and their concerns are understandable. The truth is that most hand surgeries may result in some minor scarring. In most cases, however, we find that dramatically better than having to live with the pain, discomfort, and appearance of the initial condition, and most patients definitely agree.

The good news is that most hand scars after surgery are very minor, almost unnoticeable. Even when they are slightly more pronounced, our hand doctor offers scar removal and treatment options that can minimize their appearance.

Dr. Arora can also minimize scars due to injury or minor burns, as well as some skin imperfections that were present at birth.

Why Scars Form

Most of us know what scars are and likely have one or more. Before we get into how scars are treated, however, let us talk about why scars form in the first place. We think it’s rather fascinating, actually, and it just goes to show how smart our bodies really are!

Scars are essentially the body’s natural Band-Aid or stitches. They form as a part of the healing process after your skin has been cut, burned, scratched, or otherwise injured. The skin repairs itself by growing new tissue in gaps, and that tissue pulls the wound together. Without the body’s natural ability to grow this new tissue to “stitch” the skin back together, your body would be at risk of infection, expansion of the injury, permanent damage, or worse.

Scar Removal & Treatment Options at Arora Hand Surgery

The type and extent of a scar will determine the best scar removal and treatment options, especially in the case of burns. If a scar is associated with damage to tissues beneath the skin, including the nerves and tendons, other treatment options may be necessary. If the scar is superficial, meaning it’s only on the surface of the skin, treatment can be effective.

Several different procedures are commonly used to minimize the appearance of scars.

Scar Massage or Vibration

Massaging the area with petroleum jelly, cocoa butter, or hand lotion can loosen the skin. The area should be massaged in the direction of the scar for 10 minutes twice a day. After about 3 months, you should start to see some results.


We know. … Suggesting controlled exercise programs for scars seems counterintuitive. You’re trying to reduce the scars, after all, not beef them up or give them more endurance!

But think of it as telling your body, “Hey, you don’t have to panic and build up all this extra tissue. I’m taking care of it in a different way. See what I’m doing to help you?”

And of course, we’re not talking about weightlifting or cardio. The exercises are based on stimulating nearby joints and tendons to keep them gliding smoothly under the skin.

Pressure Therapy

Pressure therapy is typically used right after surgery or after a burn. Applying a pressure garment over dressings to a wound while it’s healing can minimize the appearance of scars, or at least help keep them flatter.

Silicone Gel

Placing a thin layer of silicone gel over the area serves as a bandage, and the gel can remain on the hands throughout the day. If Dr. Arora recommends this scar treatment remedy for you, the gel should be used for at least 12 hours per day for a minimum of three months.

Injections or Surgery

Burn scars or other injuries may require surgical treatment. (Serious, high-degree burns may need to be treated at specialized burn centers, such as those at the University of Michigan and the Detroit Medical Center’s Detroit Receiving Hospital.)

Treatment options include:

1. Collagen injections/fillers

Some skin care professionals can inject collagen into the area to create a smoother appearance.

2. Scar revision surgery

Scar revision surgery attempts to minimize a scar to make it less visible as well as blend in with the surrounding skin.

3. Skin grafts

Natural skin or a synthetic material can be used to fill skin at the area, or the surgeon would remove the scar and then replace the skin with the synthetic material.

4. Excision

Scars are cut out and removed during a surgical procedure, although this may leave a smaller scar in this place.

5. Laser surgery

Unlike excisions, laser surgery does not involve cutting out the scar. Instead, a fractional laser light is used to break down scar tissue and trigger healthy new tissue to form at the site.

6. Dermabrasion

Offered by some dermatologists and plastic surgeons, dermabrasion is an exfoliating technique that uses a rotating instrument to remove the outer layers of skin.

Not all these injections or surgeries are available through Arora Hand Surgery, although we can recommend other skin care professionals who may be able to assist you. These techniques are also not ideal for every patient; it depends on the types of scars you have and how deep they are, as well as a combination of your preferences and Dr. Arora’s recommendations. Talk with Dr. Arora, a dermatologist, or a plastic surgeon to see if any of these options are suitable for you.

If you want to know more about wrist and hand scar removal and treatment options, make an appointment to see the hand specialist at his West Bloomfield, Warren, Macomb Township, or Howell office.

General Treatments

Hand Surgery in Macomb, Michigan: Steps to Take to Find the Best Doctor for You

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If you need hand surgery, you probably already know it. You may see the condition in your hands or feel the symptoms. Finding the right doctor for your specific elective hand surgery in Macomb, Michigan, however, can be challenging.

With so many options, it may be hard to determine precisely which hand specialist is the most skilled at performing the specific surgery that you need. Because hand surgeons perform so many different procedures, they have varying levels of expertise with each one. Therefore, it’s important to analyze your choices carefully.

How to Find the Best Doctor for Hand Surgery in Macomb

If your procedure is not urgent, you have the benefit of being able to take the time to research hand doctors in Macomb County. Following are a few suggestions that may help you narrow down the field.

1. Address insurance issues.

You may wish to start with calling your insurance agent to find a viable option for hand surgery in Macomb. If you are looking for an elective hand surgery, there’s a chance your insurance won’t pay for it. However, many hand surgeries that are optional are also necessary for a better quality of life, so you may have options for payment assistance.

2. Ask others for recommendations.

The most reliable recommendations tend to come from people you know and trust. For that reason, if you know people who have had hand surgery in Macomb, ask them their opinions. You may wish to ask the following questions:

  • How did they hear about the doctor?
  • Did they like the doctor?
  • Did the doctor seem to be highly knowledgeable and experienced?
  • Were the hand specialist and the staff accommodating and patient? Did they make you feel comfortable?
  • Did they take the time to answer all your questions?
  • How did the surgery itself go? Did you have any complications afterward?

Depending on how well you know the individual, you may wish to ask more specific questions about the type of surgery that was performed. When you do, you may be able to identify if their doctor is ideal for you as well.

3. Do your research online.

Complete a basic google search for the “best hand doctors in Michigan” or “where to go for hand surgery in Macomb.” That step is only to help you identify possible doctors within the geographic area you would prefer. The true research begins afterward.

• Read the online reviews for each potential doctor.

Don’t let one or two negative reviews cloud your judgement. It’s very possible that those one or two reviews were based on a very specific incident with plenty of background details that aren’t listed there, or they could be from a competitor trying to make your doctor look bad. If you do find too many negative reviews, however, you may wish to take it more seriously.

As you are reading reviews, remember a basic rule of statistics: the more reviews there are, the more reliable the overall trend is. In other words, a hand doctor who has five 5-star reviews with an overall 5-star rating might not be as great as the hand doctor who has 100 reviews of various ratings with an overall rating of 4.6 stars.

• Compare how long each doctor has been in practice. Experience makes a significant difference.

• Review each doctor’s website to make sure they provide the specific type of hand surgery you need. If you don’t see the option listed, you may wish to call the office to see if they do provide that service. This would be especially important if your condition is rare, as it might not be listed on the site.

4. Make an appointment for a preliminary consultation.

Once you narrow down your options, make an appointment for an initial consultation with the hand specialist of your choice. Take note of the doctor’s skill level regarding the specific procedure you are planning to have, and make sure you feel comfortable with the doctor before proceeding.

A certain level of trust and respect is a necessary element of a successful medical procedure and recovery process, so don’t overlook that aspect.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Specialist in Macomb

Once you complete your research to find an ideal location for hand surgery in Macomb, we have no doubt that you will find Arora Hand Surgery at the top of your list. With years of experience in treating a multitude of hand conditions, Dr. Avery Arora is a well-respected and admired hand specialist who puts patients first.

Get to know Dr. Arora by reviewing his website, and make an appointment by sending a message online or calling our hand doctor’s office in Macomb Township.

General Hands Treatments

Surgical Arthritis Treatment Recovery Time and Results

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If you are scheduled for surgical arthritis treatment, you likely have many questions. Prior to your procedure, we will explain our preparation recommendations, the surgical procedure itself, and the recovery process, as well as address any of your concerns. The following overview also may help prepare you and answer some of the questions you have about surgical arthritis treatment recovery time and results.

Types of Hand Arthritis Surgeries

There are two main types of surgeries for hand arthritis: fusion (arthrodesis) and total knuckle replacement (arthroplasty).

  • Arthrodesis: This procedure involves fusing the bones of the joint together to create a more stable knuckle. It reduces the pain, but leaves the finger with little flexibility.
  • Arthroplasty: In this procedure, the hand surgeon will remove the damaged joint and replace it with a prosthetic implant. The goal is to relieve pain while restoring shape and some function in the hand.

The main goal is to reduce pain when other treatment options are not effective. Whether arthrodesis or arthroplasty is used depends on the location of the joint, the severity of the condition, and the patient’s age, activity level, and preference.

Preparing for the Procedure

There are a number of things you can do to prepare for your hand arthritis surgery. Taking these steps beforehand will facilitate an easier and more optimal recovery period. Following are only a few suggestions that may help.

  • If necessary, rearrange the living room and bedroom in a manner that will allow you to rest easily. For example, place a nesting table beside your sofa, and leave a throw blanket within easy reach.
  • Purchase any post-surgery recovery items you may need, or obtain them from our hand doctor’s office in Warren, West Bloomfield, Howell, or Macomb Township. These may include such things as hand splints; heating/cooling pads; over-the-counter medications; and additional bandages or gauze you may need.
  • Plan for a ride to and from the doctor’s office on the day of your surgery.
  • Shop for groceries ahead of time, buying foods that don’t need too much preparation.
  • If you live alone, see if a friend or family member can stay with you overnight on the first day. If you have young children who need your care, find a babysitter or caretaker who can help you for a few days.
  • Schedule time off work or school.
Surgical arthritis treatment recovery time and results depend on a variety of factors, including the type of hand surgery that was performed. In this image, a doctor examines a patient's hand.
Surgical arthritis treatment recovery time and results depend on a variety of factors, including the type of hand surgery that was performed.

Results and Recovery Time Following Surgical Arthritis Treatment

You will be advised to rest and avoid strenuous activity immediately following surgical arthritis treatment. Although you will likely be able to move around, you may feel drowsy, so you should take it easy on the day of the surgery.

If you were given a nerve block in your hand, the numbness may last up to 24 hours. You will also likely be given a prescription for pain medication. Start taking this medication as soon as you get home, and follow the directions that were given to you.  You may also be advised to take antibiotics.

To minimize pain and swelling, use a pillow to raise your hand above your heart level as you are sitting at home and during sleep. Do this as often as possible for the first few days.

You should also apply ice packs to your hands for the first several hours to reduce and prevent swelling.

Remember to keep the bandages on your hand dry, including during showering, and change the dressing according to the doctor’s directions.

Overall, it will take two to three weeks for your skin to heal and up to 12 weeks before you have full use of your hand. However, you should be able to resume relatively normal activities within a few days, with the exception of activities that involve extensive use of your hands.

Urgent Care After Surgery & Follow-Up Appointments

Most patients will be scheduled for a follow-up appointment within one week after surgery. At this time, Dr. Arora will evaluate your progress and provide you with any additional guidance.

Some pain, minor swelling, and general discomfort following surgical arthritis treatment is to be expected. However, you should call our office if you experience:

  • Excessive bleeding or pain
  • Wound drainage that lasts longer than four days
  • Bluish color in the fingers, excess swelling, coldness, or paleness
  • Nausea or vomiting that lasts more than one day
  • Numbness or tingling of the hand that lasts more than one day
  • Fever that is greater than 101 degrees Fahrenheit

Go to your nearest urgent care facility or emergency department if you need immediate care.

Physical Therapy After a Hand Arthritis Procedure

After your initial recovery period, you may be referred to a physical therapist or an occupational therapist who can tell you how to complete daily activities in ways that are safe for your joints.

Physical therapy will likely involve various exercises to further repair your hand and strengthen your muscles. You may also learn new methods for completing tasks if you have decreased mobility in your hands.

Most patients notice improvement as time goes on. You should take your physical therapy sessions seriously and remain dedicated to your own improvement. The more you train your muscles, the stronger they will become. Strengthening the muscles in your hands will help protect your wrists, elbows, and shoulders as well.

For additional information about surgical arthritis treatment recovery time and results or other treatment options, call one of our southeast Michigan offices.

Fingers Treatments

Thumb Joint Surgery: What You Can Expect

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Thumb joint surgery may be required for many reasons.

Maybe you broke part of the bones in your thumb and you now require surgery to fix them. Maybe the ligaments in your thumb are tightening up or feeling pinched, resulting in intense pain.

Symptoms like these are often attributed to arthritis, which is arguably the most common reason why patients have surgery on their thumbs. Arthritis is caused by repetitive movement, so if you’ve had a job for many years that required extensive use of your thumbs, it’s not unlikely to feel pain now and again.

Signs & Symptoms

The big question to ask yourself is, “How often am I feeling this pain?”

If it’s only occasional or doesn’t seem to bother you regularly, other thumb pain relief treatments or answers may exist for you. Pain medication and physical therapy may be two possible options when dealing with only mild or inconsistent pain in the joints of your thumbs.

However, if the pain is constant or too intense to sit through, the problem may be worse than you think. In this case, thumb joint surgery may be your only solution.

Why is this Pain Occurring?

Let’s look at some potential reasons why this may be happening to you. The most common reason for thumb joint arthritis is that the joints are beginning to loosen up. This happens with age; you become weaker, your bones become more brittle, and your muscles can’t hold up the strength they possessed during your youth.

It’s important to avoid heavy or repetitive movements when you age so that your joints don’t become worn out.

You, like all humans, have cartilage that surrounds and cushions the ends of your bones. As you age, this cartilage is likely to wear away or disappear, meaning your bones can rub against one another. This leads to pain and limited movement.


Another reason why this may be occurring is because of your gender. It is suggested that thumb joint pain is about ten times more likely to occur in women than in men, though science has not been able to suggest why.

What to Consider

Either way, joint pain in the thumbs can still occur in both women and men, and there are different surgical procedures that can be applied to relieve your thumbs of any discomfort.

Bear in mind that under certain circumstances, your thumbs could take as long as one year after the surgery to feel different. It’s important to keep an eye on your joints and monitor whatever improvements you feel.

In addition, it’s also necessary to monitor your movement and make sure you’re not engaged in any harsh physical activity until your hands feel stronger and more capable. Otherwise, you run the risk of inflicting more pain and doing more damage to yourself, rendering the surgery useless or inefficient.

Thumb Joint Surgery Options

Let’s examine some of the surgical options that are available to relieve your thumb joint pain.

Ligament Reconstruction

Sometimes, the best route to take when working on a project is to simply start over. If you’re having difficulty on a report, document, construction model, or anything else, sometimes starting from scratch after is the best way to go.

This same idea applies to your joints. If your thumb joints have already endured extensive damage over the years, your doctor may just seek to rebuild your ligaments. This often requires parts of the tendons in your wrist be removed and added to the damaged joint muscles in your thumbs. Once connected, mechanical function is restored.

This procedure tends to work best if you catch the symptoms of your arthritis early. If you’re quick to notice the pain and don’t delay when seeking treatment, this surgery can be very successful.


However, as with every situation, there is a downside to consider. While your joints become stabilized, not much can be done to replace any lost cartilage or to strengthen your bones.


The pain in your thumbs can be reduced or expunged by fusing the bones in your thumb joints together. The surgeon will create a hole in your thumb’s metacarpal bone, insert a pin into the hole, and align the bones together. The pin holds them in place, and with enough time, they’ll eventually fuse and become one single bone.

This procedure usually applies mostly to younger persons who have very physical jobs, such as athletes or warehouse workers. They’re likely to wear out implants and require a “quick fix” so they can return to work in as little time as possible.

While the procedure either reduces or eliminates pain, it does possess a high complication rate, and it can potentially damage other joints or limit your movement capabilities permanently if you’re not careful.

In any case, make an appointment to see our hand surgeon in Howell, West Bloomfield, Warren, or Macomb Township to see which kinds of procedures would offer the best results for you.

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Dr. Aroras office from my first call to schedule my appointment was friendly. Walking in the first day, I felt like I was in a nice atmosphere. Dr. Arora was EXCELLENT in taking great care of my hand injury. He was gentle and very understanding to the concerns I had about my hand. His expertise was admirable and I would recommend anyone with an injury to their hand to his office to be under his care. Because of him, I have healed faster than expected and will make an 100% recovery! Thank you Dr.

Jackie S.

I first thought I was going to have to have painful injections or surgery, but Dr. Arora suggested physical therapy may do the trick. I was doubtful, but I agreed to do it. Now, my pain is gone, and with the help of an ergonomic keyboard at work to keep my hands in the correct position, I am virtually pain free. The therapy strengthened my wrists and shoulders, and built more flexibility into my wrists.

Jerry T.

My experience with this doctor was positive from the outset. Dr. Arora was kind and spent a great deal of time with me. Staff was friendly. The office was nice and bright.

Ariel G.

Very friendly and helpful Great staff!!! Doctor Arora was very professional and did great work. I was very happy with everything!

L B.