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Conditions General Hands Treatments

Seeking Treatment for Dupuytren’s Syndrome? Visit Arora Hand Surgery

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If you are experiencing knotting in your fingers and palms, seeking treatment for Dupuytren’s syndrome at one of our hand doctor’s offices in southeast Michigan can help.

When you are the victim of Dupuytren’s syndrome, also known as Dupuytren’s contracture, your fingers begin to curl until they are tucked in against your palm. It may begin with only one finger. Eventually, all your fingers can be affected. It is a gradual process that may take place over a long time as the tissue on your palm tightens. Knots and cords can develop, making it impossible to straighten out the affected fingers. This can be debilitating. It can make it hard for you to do anything that involves flexibility with your fingers. Daily tasks can become a struggle.

Seeking Treatment for Dupuytren’s Syndrome at Arora Hand Surgery

Arora Hand Surgery will be able to offer you options to treat your condition. The first step is to come in to have your hand or hands evaluated. Your health history and any remedies that you have already tried will be taken into consideration. If your condition is mild and you have come in before it has spread to more than one finger, you may be able to find relief from conservative treatments. If that doesn’t work, you may be able to try other techniques. In time, you’ll have the flexibility that you used to have. You won’t have to feel self-conscious about the appearance of your hands anymore.

Don’t Give Up Hope

All too often, patients suffering from Dupuytren’s syndrome ignore the condition or think that there is nothing else that can be done. There are treatment options available. Each patient is different. Your treatment plan will be developed personally for you when you visit Arora Hand Surgery. Our team of caring professionals will help you to find answers when you are struggling with this sensitive issue.

Learn About Hand Treatment Options

You want to take back your hands from Dupuytren’s syndrome. You want your fingers to straighten out and have flexibility again. You don’t want to look at hands that have been changed by your condition. Make an appointment to have your consultation at Arora Hand Surgery, with offices in Howell, Warren, Macomb Township, and West Bloomfield. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

General Treatments

Finding a Trusted Surgery Center in West Bloomfield

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Having hand surgery can make you anxious, and this is understandable. Any type of surgery can come with risks. However, you can reduce the chance of those risks happening when you have a first-rate surgeon helping you at a trusted surgery center in West Bloomfield. Before you move forward with any type of procedure, you should take your time in order to find a surgery center that fills you with confidence. Look no further than our surgical facilities at Arora Hand Surgery!

Once you know that you need to have a surgical procedure, you are going to need to start making plans. The most important part of that plan is finding a surgery center that can put your needs at the top of the list while you are in the hands of a surgeon you trust. When you visit Arora Hand Surgery for your care, you’ll find a state-of-the-art surgery center in an ideal location. You’ll see a facility that is clean and sterile, and you’ll find a staff that is friendly, welcoming, and accommodating from start to finish.

When you come in for your initial consultation at our office in West Bloomfield, you will have a chance to talk with our talented surgeon. He’ll make you feel at ease from the very beginning of your appointment. The most important thing you need to find is a doctor who gives you confidence about your procedure. When you have your procedure performed by Dr. Arora in the comfort of his state-of-the-art surgery center in West Bloomfield, you’ll have peace of mind.

You could make the rounds by visiting surgery centers in West Bloomfield to help you in your quest for the right location for you. Or you could simply get in touch with us at Arora Hand Surgery and see for yourself why we are the go-to facility in the area for all matters relating to the fingers and hands. We have offices in West Bloomfield, Howell, Warren, and Macomb. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for treatment.

General Hands Treatments

What Does Dupuytren’s Contracture Surgery Involve?

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If you are suffering from Dupuytren’s Contracture, you know how difficult it can be. The condition can affect one or both hands. It causes the fingers to fold in toward your hand. Depending on the severity of your condition, it can make everyday tasks a struggle when you can no longer straighten your fingers. The condition is caused by a thickening of tissue in your palm. When your condition gets to the point that your condition is so extreme that it affects your quality of life. advanced treatment is necessary. Early stages of the condition may be managed with injections, radiation, or the use of a needle to break up cords of tissue that have contracted. If your condition has not responded to early intervention or you have sought medical attention when it has progressed to a serious stage, Dupuytren’s Contracture surgery is the best solution.

What Can You Expect from Dupuytren’s Contracture Surgery?

If your doctor has advised surgery to alleviate your condition, you have two potential approaches. Our hand surgeon may cut the tissue that has caused your hand to tighten. The other option is to remove the tissues that are causing you such trouble. A local anesthetic will be administered before your procedure. You can expect to go home on the day of your surgery. Once your procedure is over, our surgeon will give you care instructions for your incision. You will also be advised about medications you can take for pain. Our surgeon will also recommend exercises you can perform once your hand has healed in order to improve flexibility.

Seek Expert Attention is Soon as Possible When Dupuytren’s Contracture Begins

Early treatment is the best thing you can do when you become the victim of Dupuytren’s Contracture. If you notice that one of your fingers has begun to curl in toward your palm and you can’t straighten it anymore, see our physician. It is likely that you will be referred to a specialist in order to find the best treatment plan for your condition. If your condition worsens, surgery may be in your future. The same may hold true if you experiencing a tightening of your fingers after initial treatment efforts.

Learn More About Dupuytren’s Contracture Surgery Today

It is frustrating to live with Dupuytren’s Contracture. It makes it difficult to write, use scissors, and perform any tasks that involve fine motor skills. Fortunately, there are treatment alternatives that are effective in addressing this problem. Surgery may be the best solution for you to allow you to improve your well-being. Don’t let this condition hold you back any longer. Dupuytren’s Contracture surgery could be the best solution for you. Contact us today at Arora Hand Surgery to schedule your initial consultation.

Conditions General Treatments Wrists

Seeking Treatment for a Ganglion Cyst in Detroit

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A ganglion cyst is a fluid-filled sac that develops on the hands or wrists, as well as occasionally on the feet. These growths affect the joints or tendons and range from the size of a pea to an inch in diameter. They may have either a firm or soft, spongy feel. You might notice one large growth or several small growths in the same area. While some ganglion cysts are symptom-free, others cause pain or weakness by pressing on the nerves. If you are bothered by this type of growth on your hand or wrist, we invite you to learn about your treatment options in the greater Detroit area.

What Causes a Ganglion Cyst?

Experts aren’t exactly sure why this type of cyst develops. They are more common in women ages 20 to 40, people who have osteoarthritis, and those who have suffered an injury to the affected tendon or joint.

How is this Type of Cyst Diagnosed?

Our doctor may first physically examine the cyst and see how it responds to pressure. In some cases, he may order certain imaging tests to confirm the diagnosis by ruling out related conditions such as arthritis.

How are Ganglion Cysts Treated?

If the cyst does not cause pain or interfere with hand movement, you don’t necessarily need treatment. But if you are bothered by the growth, several treatment options are available in the Detroit area. Our doctor may immobilize the cyst with a brace or splint, which can cause it to shrink and eventually disappear. It is sometimes sufficient to completely drain the cyst, though it may regrow over time with this approach. Other procedures may be performed if other treatment options are ineffective, if the bump is large and solid, or if a major blood vessel is affected.

Contact Us Today to Learn More

If you are bothered by an unusual growth on your hand or wrist, you should only visit a qualified hand specialist in the Detroit area. Look no further than Dr. Arora at Arora Hand Surgery in Howell, Macomb Township, Warren, or West Bloomfield. He can perform a thorough examination and determine the best course of treatment for your ganglion cyst. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started!

General Hands Treatments

Benefits of Undergoing Hand Surgery in Michigan

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Deciding to undergo hand surgery is a serious decision. You want to make sure that you take the time to find the right doctor for you. You need your hands for so many tasks in life. You want them to be working at full capacity as soon as possible. You need to turn to a trusted source like Dr. Arora. You want a surgeon who concentrates on the hands in order to ensure that nothing is missed. Choose to undergo hand surgery at our office in Michigan and you will have more freedom once again.

Why Choose Hand Surgery?

The thought of having surgery can fill you with anxiety. It’s fear of the unknown that causes anxiety. When you choose to have your procedure performed by our talented surgeon in Michigan to address your concerns with your hand, you can have peace of mind. Trust that you will have a surgeon who understands the intricacies of the hand, someone who will help you to find the answers you need in order to have a successful experience.

Experience Relief with the Right Hand Surgeon

Once you have had an evaluation at our office in Michigan, you will be given recommendations regarding your treatment options. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have and find out all of the details about the procedure. You will be made a top priority when you come in for your procedure. Once our surgeon has corrected the issue with your hand, you will be given special instructions in order to make sure your recovery process goes as smoothly as possible. With time and patience, you will reap the benefits of your procedure.

Learn More About What Hand Surgery Can Do for You

If you have a problem with your hand that can only be solved with surgery, you need a hand surgeon in Michigan who can get positive results for you. Make an appointment to have a consultation at Arora Hand Surgery. For your convenience, we have two Michigan-based locations in Warren, West Bloomfield, Howell, and Macomb Township. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

General Treatments Wrists

The Importance of Finding the Right Doctor for Your Wrist Fracture in Metro Detroit

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Your wrist is one of the most complicated joints in your body. It has eight carpal bones and multiple articulations. All of this is what gives your hands the flexibility and the motion that they have. The eight bones that make up your wrist are unique. They have unique shapes and are aligned in unique ways to provide the maximum dexterity. There are four bones that sit right next to your forearm and four bones that sit closer to your fingers. As a result of playing sports, work injuries, automobile accidents, or any type of trauma, you could fracture one of the bones in your wrist. While all the bones in your wrist are at risk of fracture, there are certain bones that are more likely to be fractured than others. The most common wrist fracture is a distal radius fracture. This is a fracture in the forearm. Three out of four wrist fractures that our doctor is going to see is of this type.

The most common reason why a person in Detroit is going to break their wrist bone is because they fall and put their hand out to protect themselves. Another reason is contact sports, which cause a hand to be bent backward.

Most wrist fractures present symptoms such as swelling and bruising. The affected bone will usually be tender to the touch. With a wrist fracture, the range of motion of your wrist and your hand will be drastically reduced. Depending on which bone is broken, you may experience pain in your palm, in your thumb, or in one of your fingers. With almost all wrist fractures, the pain is more intense when a person tries to do a gripping motion.

The best way to accurately diagnose a wrist fracture is via an X-ray. If the suspected bone is not visible via an X-ray, then a CT scan may be needed. A wrist fracture can be treated surgically or non-surgically, depending on its location and the severity of the fracture. Most standard fractures will require immobilization, splinting, or a cast. Other severe fractures in Detroit may require surgery. It all depends on the unique situation.

When looking for a surgeon to help you deal with your wrist fracture, you want to find one who has experience treating traumatic wrist injuries. You want someone who thoroughly understands the complex makeup of the wrist and is able to provide results that are going to allow you to have the maximum range of motion, the quickest recovery time, and the least amount of pain as you go through recovery.

Look no further than Dr. Arora at Arora Hand Surgery, with offices in Howell, Warren, Macomb, and West Bloomfield. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to have your wrist evaluated.

General Hands Treatments

Addressing Hand Tendon Problems

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If you suffer from hand tendon problems, it can get in the way of doing what you want to do in life. You may find yourself experiencing a lack of flexibility that makes it difficult to perform everyday tasks. A hand tendon problem could cause a visible change in the shape of your hand that makes you more self-conscious. Worst of all, it may cause you to experience chronic pain. If you have a problem that is affecting your hand tendon, Dr. Arora and his team could help you.

What are Your Options?

The first step is to diagnose the issues that you are experiencing with your hand tendons. Think of tendons like ropes that form connections between different muscles throughout your body. They run through your hands, connecting to the muscles in your fingers and your wrists. Problems with the tendons in your hands can cause a variety of issues in your life. You may find that you can’t bend your fingers properly and lack your usual flexibility. Your wrist may not bend easily either. This can make it difficult to hold on to objects, open objects, write, or do many activities that are a part of your daily routine.

One of the most common problems to affect the tendons in your hands is inflammation. Inflammation causes your tendons to become painful and swollen. Tenosynovitis is another type of inflammation that focuses on the sheath that encloses your tendons in your hands. If you overuse your hands, place strain on them, or experience some type of injury, you may experience this type of inflammation that also causes pain, swelling, and a lack of flexibility.

Once there is an understanding of why you are experiencing hand tendon problems, our team of professionals can find answers for you.

Learn More About Your Treatment Alternatives

After your hand tendon problems have been properly diagnosed at Arora Hand Surgery, you may be prescribed non-invasive treatments first. If these options are not effective, various procedures may be necessary in order to correct any damage that has occurred, make more room for tendons that have become swollen, or make any other changes that can help you to effectively manage your condition. With the proper treatment, you can eliminate pain and have increased flexibility once again. Don’t let your hand tendon problems get in the way anymore. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our hand doctor’s office in West Bloomfield, Howell, Warren, or Macomb!

Conditions General Treatments

Treatment Options via Dupuytren’s Injection

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Dupuytren’s contracture is a condition that affects the hand. It specifically causes the tissue beneath the surface of your fingers and palm to become thicker than normal. As a result, it tightens up. As the tissue and fibers within the tissue tighten, they form like cords that draw your fingers in toward your palm. You may only have one finger that is affected or it may cause all of your fingers to draw in like a claw. This is not only upsetting in how it appears. It can also be debilitating, making it hard for you to do the things that you love to do. Typically, this condition will affect your pinkie finger and your ring finger. If you have it on one hand, you are likely to have it on the other hand as well. Trying to force your fingers to straighten out is not the answer. Putting your affected fingers in a splint may only make the curling worse in the long-run. There is no cure for this condition. However, you do have options. Surgery is one possibility. If you would rather opt for a less invasive approach, consider Dupuytren’s injection treatments.

How Do Dupuytren’s Injections Work?

If you opt for injections for Dupuytren’s contracture, you may benefit from several types of injections. Steroids are often recommended when you are dealing with tenderness and pain in your palm and fingers. They act as an anti-inflammatory type of medication. They can reduce swelling and inflammation. This can reduce pain. It may keep the curling of your fingers from becoming more severe. It is important to note that steroids will not straighten your fingers if they have already curled in toward your palm. If you manage to catch your condition before the curling becomes noticeable, you may be able to hold it off. If your fingers are already curled, XIAFLEX injections are another option. XIAFLEX contains enzymes. If all else fails, surgery may be recommended to eliminate the thick bands of tissue that have caused your fingers to curl.

Learn More About Dupuytren’s Injection Treatments

If you have been struggling with Dupuytren’s contracture, you know that it isn’t easy. It can really get in the way of everyday tasks. It can also be painful. You don’t like the way your hands look when they are unnaturally curled. Dupuytren’s injection treatments at Arora Hand Surgery could mean a major improvement for you to manage your condition. Talk to our doctor to find out if you could benefit from these injections. You owe it to yourself to check out all of your options so that you can give your fingers the attention that they deserve. You may not be able to cure Dupuytren’s contracture, but you can treat it effectively. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office in Macomb Township, Warren, Howell, or West Bloomfield!

Conditions General Treatments

Finding Treatment for a Ganglion Cyst in Macomb

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A ganglion cyst is a small lump that is found above a tendon or joint on your body. These cysts can occur on nearly any joint in the body, but they are primarily found on the hands and wrists. While it can be very scary to see a round lump on your body, ganglion cysts are never cancerous. They will start out as completely painless, but they may start to cause problems down the road. If your ganglion cyst is disrupting your movement or causing pain, then it is probably time to seek treatment at our office in Macomb Township.

The exact cause of a ganglion cyst is not known at the moment. They seem to develop after an injury causes the joint or tendon to shift out of its normal location. People with osteoarthritis are also far more likely to develop a ganglion cyst at some point in their life. Once the cyst develops, it will quickly start to fill up with the same thick fluid that is used by the body to lubricate the joints and tendons.

If you think you have a bothersome ganglion cyst, then you should come get it checked out by our professional in Macomb. Our doctor can perform a physical exam of the hand and wrist. He will also likely put some pressure on the cyst and take some X-rays to get an accurate diagnosis. Once it is determined that you have this kind of cyst, it is time to start your treatment in Macomb.

The first form of treatment used to eliminate your cyst may be immobilization. Moving your joints and tendons can cause your cyst to get larger over time, so you may be given a splint or brace. The hope is that the lack of movement in your joints and tendons will cause the cyst to decrease in size. If this does not happen after a short period of time, then another form of treatment will need to be used.

If immobilization is not successful, then the doctor may attempt to remove the ganglion cyst. This form of treatment involves draining the fluid inside the cyst. While this will decrease the size of the cyst, it may come back in the future.

If the problematic ganglion cyst continues to come back after this form of treatment, then it must be removed using surgery. The entire cyst will be removed from your body during the procedure. The ganglion cyst will have a stalk that is attached to a tendon or joint. This stalk is also removed This is a very simple procedure with almost no risks.

If you suspect you may have a ganglion cyst, make an appointment at Arora Hand Surgery in Macomb, West Bloomfield, Howell, or Warren to learn about your treatment options. Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation!

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Dr. Aroras office from my first call to schedule my appointment was friendly. Walking in the first day, I felt like I was in a nice atmosphere. Dr. Arora was EXCELLENT in taking great care of my hand injury. He was gentle and very understanding to the concerns I had about my hand. His expertise was admirable and I would recommend anyone with an injury to their hand to his office to be under his care. Because of him, I have healed faster than expected and will make an 100% recovery! Thank you Dr.

Jackie S.

I first thought I was going to have to have painful injections or surgery, but Dr. Arora suggested physical therapy may do the trick. I was doubtful, but I agreed to do it. Now, my pain is gone, and with the help of an ergonomic keyboard at work to keep my hands in the correct position, I am virtually pain free. The therapy strengthened my wrists and shoulders, and built more flexibility into my wrists.

Jerry T.

My experience with this doctor was positive from the outset. Dr. Arora was kind and spent a great deal of time with me. Staff was friendly. The office was nice and bright.

Ariel G.

Very friendly and helpful Great staff!!! Doctor Arora was very professional and did great work. I was very happy with everything!

L B.