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Category: Wrists

General Wrists

What Can I Expect During Broken Wrist Recovery?

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A distal radial fracture, commonly called a broken wrist, affects the larger of the two bones of the forearm close to the wrist. A broken wrist is the most common fracture of the arm and represents 10 percent of total fractures that occur in the United States. This injury typically occurs from falling on an outstretched arm or while biking, skiing, skating, or playing a contact sport.
When is a Wrist Injury Severe?

The recovery time for a broken wrist depends on the severity of the fracture. Fractures that are more severe will take longer to heal than other breaks. This includes when the break affects the wrist joint, when the bone is broken in more than one place, when the broken bone protrudes through the skin, when the fractured bone moves out of place, or when a ligament, blood vessel, or nerve is torn or injured as a result of the injury.

How is a Wrist Injury Diagnosed?

If you’ve had an injury to the wrist, have it checked out if you are experiencing tenderness, pain, swelling, bruising, or a crooked or bent appearance. Seek emergency medical attention if you are experiencing severe pain, your hand and/or arm is numb, or blood has drained from your fingers. Our doctor will examine your hand and arm as well as take X-rays to determine whether a bone is broken.

How is a Wrist Injury Treated?

Depending on the severity of the fracture, the bone may need to be reset. This can be quite involved and is usually done under anesthesia. Once the broken bone is in the correct position to heal, it will be held in place with a splint after the injury. This gives swelling a chance to resolve before a cast is put on the arm. Regular X-rays will be conducted to make sure the bone is healing correctly.

Your treatment for a broken wrist at Arora Hand Surgery will depend on a multitude of factors. Make an appointment at our office in West Bloomfield, Howell, Macomb, or Warren to learn about your treatment options. Contact us today to book your evaluation!

General Wrists

Treating a Broken Wrist

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A broken wrist is one of the most common types of injuries that can affect men, women, and children, especially since our natural reaction when we fall is to put our hands and arms out. A blow to the wrist or a fall can lead to this type of break of bones in the lower arm. Those who are extremely active or athletic are more prone to this type of injury.

If you break or fracture your wrist, you may have the following symptoms:

  • Swelling and bruising
  • Pain when you try to bend your wrist
  • Your wrist may be sensitive to touch
  • Your wrist may be bent in an odd way

If you think that your wrist is broken, you should seek medical attention.

What to Expect When Your Wrist is Evaluated

A member of our team, which is led by board-certified surgeon Dr. Avery Arora, will assess your wrist through a physical examination. An x-ray is usually also performed to check for the exact location of any breaks. This gives our team a guide for setting the bone. Once the bones in your arm are in proper alignment, your arm can be placed in a cast. Your doctor will check your progress regularly and will be able to help you to determine when your wrist is on track to a full recovery.

How to Care for Your Broken Wrist Once You’re Home

One of the best things that you can do when you get home is to give yourself a chance to rest. To prevent further injury and continue to stimulate hand movement, keep your fingers flexible. A member of our team can recommend appropriate exercises to help you to regain functionality, strengthen your bones, and increase flexibility after an injury.

Make an Appointment with Our Hand & Wrist Doctor

A broken wrist can be frustrating and keep you from doing some of the things you enjoy. No one likes being in pain. Contact the team at Arora Hand Surgery to schedule your consultation at one of our Michigan offices for advice about what you can do to take care of your wrist in order to promote healing. We proudly serve you from offices in Macomb Township, Warren, West Bloomfield, and Howell. We want you to have the best outcome and are here to help.

Conditions General Treatments Wrists

Seeking Treatment for a Ganglion Cyst in Detroit

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A ganglion cyst is a fluid-filled sac that develops on the hands or wrists, as well as occasionally on the feet. These growths affect the joints or tendons and range from the size of a pea to an inch in diameter. They may have either a firm or soft, spongy feel. You might notice one large growth or several small growths in the same area. While some ganglion cysts are symptom-free, others cause pain or weakness by pressing on the nerves. If you are bothered by this type of growth on your hand or wrist, we invite you to learn about your treatment options in the greater Detroit area.

What Causes a Ganglion Cyst?

Experts aren’t exactly sure why this type of cyst develops. They are more common in women ages 20 to 40, people who have osteoarthritis, and those who have suffered an injury to the affected tendon or joint.

How is this Type of Cyst Diagnosed?

Our doctor may first physically examine the cyst and see how it responds to pressure. In some cases, he may order certain imaging tests to confirm the diagnosis by ruling out related conditions such as arthritis.

How are Ganglion Cysts Treated?

If the cyst does not cause pain or interfere with hand movement, you don’t necessarily need treatment. But if you are bothered by the growth, several treatment options are available in the Detroit area. Our doctor may immobilize the cyst with a brace or splint, which can cause it to shrink and eventually disappear. It is sometimes sufficient to completely drain the cyst, though it may regrow over time with this approach. Other procedures may be performed if other treatment options are ineffective, if the bump is large and solid, or if a major blood vessel is affected.

Contact Us Today to Learn More

If you are bothered by an unusual growth on your hand or wrist, you should only visit a qualified hand specialist in the Detroit area. Look no further than Dr. Arora at Arora Hand Surgery in Howell, Macomb Township, Warren, or West Bloomfield. He can perform a thorough examination and determine the best course of treatment for your ganglion cyst. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started!

General Treatments Wrists

The Importance of Finding the Right Doctor for Your Wrist Fracture in Metro Detroit

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Your wrist is one of the most complicated joints in your body. It has eight carpal bones and multiple articulations. All of this is what gives your hands the flexibility and the motion that they have. The eight bones that make up your wrist are unique. They have unique shapes and are aligned in unique ways to provide the maximum dexterity. There are four bones that sit right next to your forearm and four bones that sit closer to your fingers. As a result of playing sports, work injuries, automobile accidents, or any type of trauma, you could fracture one of the bones in your wrist. While all the bones in your wrist are at risk of fracture, there are certain bones that are more likely to be fractured than others. The most common wrist fracture is a distal radius fracture. This is a fracture in the forearm. Three out of four wrist fractures that our doctor is going to see is of this type.

The most common reason why a person in Detroit is going to break their wrist bone is because they fall and put their hand out to protect themselves. Another reason is contact sports, which cause a hand to be bent backward.

Most wrist fractures present symptoms such as swelling and bruising. The affected bone will usually be tender to the touch. With a wrist fracture, the range of motion of your wrist and your hand will be drastically reduced. Depending on which bone is broken, you may experience pain in your palm, in your thumb, or in one of your fingers. With almost all wrist fractures, the pain is more intense when a person tries to do a gripping motion.

The best way to accurately diagnose a wrist fracture is via an X-ray. If the suspected bone is not visible via an X-ray, then a CT scan may be needed. A wrist fracture can be treated surgically or non-surgically, depending on its location and the severity of the fracture. Most standard fractures will require immobilization, splinting, or a cast. Other severe fractures in Detroit may require surgery. It all depends on the unique situation.

When looking for a surgeon to help you deal with your wrist fracture, you want to find one who has experience treating traumatic wrist injuries. You want someone who thoroughly understands the complex makeup of the wrist and is able to provide results that are going to allow you to have the maximum range of motion, the quickest recovery time, and the least amount of pain as you go through recovery.

Look no further than Dr. Arora at Arora Hand Surgery, with offices in Howell, Warren, Macomb, and West Bloomfield. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to have your wrist evaluated.

General Wrists

Broken Wrist Symptoms

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If you’ve injured your wrist through a fall or while competing in sports, you may be unsure whether the bones are broken. A Colles’ fracture, which affects the larger bone in the forearm by the wrist, is the most common type of broken bone. This injury most commonly occurs when falling onto an outstretched hand, often during an activity like skateboarding or in-line skating, or in a car accident. Those with osteoporosis are also at a higher risk for wrist fracture. Learn more about the common broken wrist symptoms, when you should seek medical attention, and how this injury may be treated.

Signs of a Broken Wrist

When the wrist or hand is broken, you might experience the following broken wrist symptoms:

  • Severe pain that gets worse when moving or clenching the fist
  • A swollen or bruised appearance
  • Tenderness when touched
  • A bent or deformed appearance
  • Stiffness or limited range of movement
  • Numbness

If you’ve injured your hand and develop those symptoms, see our doctor right away. Delayed treatment for a broken wrist can lead to complications such as decreased grip strength and range of motion, osteoarthritis, or nerve damage.

Treatment for a Broken Wrist

Before addressing the broken wrist symptoms, it is important to first diagnose the issue. To diagnose a broken wrist, our doctor will perform a physical examination of the injury and take an X-ray. If the bones are displaced, he will realign them. The hand will then be held in place with a splint or cast while the broken wrist bones heal. Our doctor will likely recommend over-the-counter medications for discomfort. Physical therapy may eventually be necessary to restore a normal range of motion and reduce stiffness.

Severe breaks may require surgery to hold the bones in place with specialized tools and techniques. This is often the case in fractures where the skin is broken, the bones are likely to move before healing occurs, the surrounding nerves or ligaments are damaged, or the joint is affected.

To facilitate healing, follow our doctor’s instructions. Quit smoking if necessary since it can delay bone healing and decrease bone strength.

When you’re experiencing broken wrist symptoms, the best thing that you can do for yourself is schedule a consultation at Arora Hand Surgery, with offices in Howell, Warren, West Bloomfield, and Macomb. Contact us today to book an appointment and learn about your available treatment options.

General Treatments Wrists

Treatment Options for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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Arora Hand Surgery has locations in Macomb Township, Warren, West Bloomfield, and Howell. It is led by Dr. Avery Arora, who specializes in hand, elbow and wrist surgery. Dr. Arora earned his medical degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin and served both his internship and residency in General Surgery at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan. He then earned a Fellowship in Hand Surgery at the University of Colorado’s Department of Orthopedics. He has also earned board certification in both General Surgery and Hand Surgery. Dr. Arora is a member of the American Association of Hand Surgery and the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. If you are dealing with carpal tunnel syndrome, Dr. Arora is your go-to doctor.

What Services Does Arora Hand Surgery Offer?

Arora Hand Surgery provides a range of treatments for conditions affecting the hand, fingers, forearm, wrist and elbow. Some of the conditions, like Dupuytren’s contracture, are peculiar to the hand, while others, like skin cancer, are not.

Other conditions that can be treated at Arora Hand Surgery include the following:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Sprains
  • Lateral epicondylitis
  • Arthritis
  • Trigger finger
  • Fractures

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and How is it Treated?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is basically a pinched nerve in the wrist. It is caused by increased pressure on the median nerve. Symptoms include tingling, pain and numbness in the fingers, hand and arm.

Treatment options vary and can depend on the cause. While it is often not possible to determine the exact cause of carpal tunnel syndrome, it is sometimes linked to diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and some thyroid conditions. In this case, treating the disease can at least improve the symptoms.

If there is no known cause, and the syndrome is relatively mild, our doctor may recommend splinting the wrist to keep it straight and relieve pressure on the nerve. The patient may wear the splint at night to relieve any symptoms that are interfering with their sleep. Our doctor may also suggest using the affected hand less. In certain cases, he may recommend a steroid injection to reduce the nerve’s swelling.

In severe or unresponsive cases, our doctor may recommend carpal tunnel release, a surgical procedure in which the ligament that runs across the wrist and the median nerve is cut to make more room for the latter.

Make an Appointment Today

Dr. Arora and his team at Arora Hand Surgery are committed to providing patients in the area with first-class care. If you are dealing with carpal tunnel syndrome or any other condition affecting the hand, fingers, wrist, elbow or thumb, set up an appointment at our office in West Bloomfield, Howell, Warren, or Macomb as soon as possible. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

General Treatments Wrists

Treating Fractures in the Wrist

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The way fractures in the wrist are treated is going to vary a lot depending on where the fracture is and what fracture you have sustained. Many people think that treating a fractured wrist is simple, but it’s not. Fractured wrists can be divided into two categories. They can be displaced, or they can be categorized as non-displaced.

When you fracture your wrist, the pain is intense. The pain is usually felt immediately. There are usually some physical and visual symptoms that show. Many complain of having numbness in their hands, or they may notice that their hands and fingers change color. Your wrist bone might even stick out of your skin.

Understanding how to treat a fractured wrist is important because fractured wrists happen very frequently. It’s estimated that approximately 250,000 people fracture their wrist in the United States on an annual basis. The reason why a wrist fracture happens so frequently is because of the number of ways that we as humans fall. When you fall, be it forward or backward, the first thing you do is put out your hands in order to stabilize yourself. This can lead to injury.

The treatment that you will receive for your fractured wrist is going to vary depending on how severe it is. If it’s just a simple fracture, our doctor may set your wrist and then put a cast on it. He is going to monitor your wrist to make sure that the bone heals properly. A more severe fracture may require a surgical procedure. It’s going to change with each situation.

In the vast majority of circumstances, surgery is not necessary when treating fractures in the wrist. The cast is enough to keep the wrist in place while it heals. You may need to have some form of physical therapy to help you regain your flexibility and your strength in your wrist. It is essential that you follow the instructions provided by our doctor and your physical therapist for optimal results.

As you can see, there is no one-size-fits-all fix when it comes to treating fractures in the wrist. However, with therapy, immobilization and in some cases surgery, a fractured wrist can be treated. When your wrist has completely recovered, you should be able to return to your normal activities.

If you have sustained a wrist fracture, make an appointment at Arora Hand Surgery sooner rather than later. You can consult with our expert at our office in West Bloomfield, Howell, Warren, or Macomb to see which treatment is best in your case. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

Conditions General Wrists

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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When a person has carpal tunnel syndrome, they will often feel a numbness or tingling in their hands. Their hands will feel weak, and they will not have the control over their hands that they did prior to developing the condition. This is because carpal tunnel syndrome puts pressure on the median nerve, which is located in your wrist. This nerve is essential for proper hand functioning and sensation.

The median nerve, along with other tendons needed for hand movement, run through your carpal tunnel. It is a small space that is located in your wrist. The median nerve controls all of your fingers with the exception of your pinky.

What are the Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

The pressure that is put on the median nerve is usually due to swelling. However, it can be anything that makes that carpal tunnel space, where the median nerve and tendons travel, smaller. Some of the most common causes of carpal tunnel syndrome include:

  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Repetitive hand movements
  • Pregnancy

What are the Most Common Symptoms?

Pain, weakness, a tingling sensation and numbness in the fingers are the most common symptoms associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. In some instances, people will have pain between their hand and their elbow.

Carpal tunnel syndrome often exhibits symptoms in the middle finger, the thumb and the index finger. You may also feel the sensation in the lower half of your ring finger. Since a different nerve gives the sensation to your pinky finger, it is not affected with carpal tunnel syndrome.

Most people say that they experience the most powerful symptoms at night. The symptoms can be so strong that they cause people to wake up and find relief by shaking their hand.

What Steps Can Be Taken to Diagnose Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

With carpal tunnel syndrome, our doctor will physically examine your hands and your arms. He will talk with you about health issues you may have, ranging from arthritis to diabetes. He will likely ask about any recent injuries to your arm, wrist or neck. Our doctor will be keenly interested in knowing about your daily routine. During the examination, our doctor can test your hand for strength, reaction time, sensation and endurance.

When it comes to getting treatment for carpal tunnel, the sooner you start, the better. The sooner you begin treatment, the greater chance you have of preventing long-term damage to the median nerve. The team at Arora Hand Surgery can come up with a customized treatment for you with the goal of eliminating pain and improving sensation and mobility in the affected hand. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office in West Bloomfield, Howell, Warren, or Macomb.

General Wrists

Signs That My Wrist is Fractured

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The wrist is made up of eight small bones that connect to the ulna and radius in the forearm. The connection between these bones makes it possible to freely move your wrist. Breaking any of these 10 bones near the hand will be classified as a fractured wrist. The pain and discomfort caused by a fractured wrist usually makes the condition very easy to diagnose. However, there are some common signs to look for when your wrist is fractured.

Recent Traumatic Accident or Fall

If you have strong and healthy bones, then it is very hard to fracture your wrist without a traumatic accident or fall. Fractured wrists are extremely common in automobile accidents because your instinct is to put up your hands before crashing. This puts your wrist in the perfect position to break after colliding with the steering wheel or air bag. It is also entirely possible to break your wrist by falling on the ground. The bones in your wrist break because they are unable to support your body weight as you attempt to stop the fall. If you are experiencing pain in your hands and wrist after an accident or fall, then there is a very good chance that your wrist is fractured.

Severe Pain and Bruising

Severe pain and bruising is the biggest sign that you have suffered a serious injury. If your severe pain gets worse as you attempt to extend or flex your wrist, then you likely broke one of the bones near your wrist. The pain will also intensify if you attempt to grip or squeeze an item. Some people think broken bones make it impossible to move the injured area, but that is not true. You will likely be able to move your wrist while it is fractured, but this movement will be limited and painful.

Deformity of the Wrist

Breaking one of the bones in your wrist will commonly make your wrist look odd and deformed. The trauma that caused the fractured wrist will create a lot of swelling in the area. This can make the wrist appear much bigger than normal. A bad injury to the wrist can also knock a bone out of place. This will make the wrist look bent or crooked. Something is seriously wrong with your wrist if it starts to look deformed, so you will want to get it checked out by our doctor as soon as possible.

Numbness and Tingling in the Fingers

It is possible for a fractured wrist to damage the nerves in your hand. If this occurs, then you will likely experience numbness and tingling in your fingers throughout the day. The fingers can also become pale in appearance if the fractured wrist is limiting blood flow to the hand. The nerve issues are only going to get worse over time, so repairing the fractured wrist in a timely manner is the only way to prevent a long recovery process.

Treating Your Fractured Wrist

If you believe your wrist is fractured, make an appointment at Arora Hand Surgery in West Bloomfield, Howell, Warren, or Macomb. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn about your treatment options.

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Dr. Aroras office from my first call to schedule my appointment was friendly. Walking in the first day, I felt like I was in a nice atmosphere. Dr. Arora was EXCELLENT in taking great care of my hand injury. He was gentle and very understanding to the concerns I had about my hand. His expertise was admirable and I would recommend anyone with an injury to their hand to his office to be under his care. Because of him, I have healed faster than expected and will make an 100% recovery! Thank you Dr.

Jackie S.

I first thought I was going to have to have painful injections or surgery, but Dr. Arora suggested physical therapy may do the trick. I was doubtful, but I agreed to do it. Now, my pain is gone, and with the help of an ergonomic keyboard at work to keep my hands in the correct position, I am virtually pain free. The therapy strengthened my wrists and shoulders, and built more flexibility into my wrists.

Jerry T.

My experience with this doctor was positive from the outset. Dr. Arora was kind and spent a great deal of time with me. Staff was friendly. The office was nice and bright.

Ariel G.

Very friendly and helpful Great staff!!! Doctor Arora was very professional and did great work. I was very happy with everything!

L B.