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Category: Fingers

Conditions Fingers

Understanding Thumb Arthritis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

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Arthritis is a common condition that affects millions of people, and it can occur in various joints in the body. When it comes to the hand, one of the areas that can be affected is the base of the thumb. Imagine feeling pain from something as simple as turning a key or snapping your fingers. For many, this constant reminder is unbearable. This condition, known as thumb arthritis, can lead to pain, swelling, and reduced hand function. Let’s explore what thumb arthritis is, its symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis, and available treatment options. If you’re suffering from this condition, we hope we can help.


What is Thumb Arthritis? 

Thumb arthritis primarily affects the joint at the base of the thumb, making it the second most common site of arthritis in the hand. It’s typically a form of osteoarthritis (OA), which results from the gradual wear and tear on the joint. In a healthy joint, cartilage acts as a cushion between the bones. However, in people with thumb arthritis, this cartilage wears away, leading to bone-on-bone friction, inflammation, and pain.


Symptoms of Thumb Arthritis 

The most common and early symptom of thumb arthritis is pain at the base of the thumb, especially during activities that involve gripping, pinching, or applying force with the thumb. Other symptoms may include swelling, aching, discomfort, tenderness, limited range of motion, an enlarged appearance at the base of the thumb, and reduced thumb strength. These symptoms tend to worsen over time, especially without treatment.


Thumb Arthritis Causes and Risk Factors 

Thumb arthritis is primarily caused by the gradual breakdown of cartilage over time, which is often associated with aging. Injuries, such as thumb fractures and dislocations, can also lead to this condition. In rare cases, joint infections may be responsible for thumb arthritis.

Several risk factors can increase the likelihood of developing thumb arthritis, including age, gender (with females being more prone), weight, genetics, joint laxity, hormonal changes (such as menopause), previous joint injuries, and certain occupational factors.  You can read more about what causes thumb arthritis on our website’s dedicated thumb arthritis page.


Diagnosis of Thumb Arthritis 

To diagnose thumb arthritis, a healthcare provider such as top doctor Avery Arora, MD will conduct a physical examination, assess pain levels, and inquire about prior thumb injuries and the patient’s medical history. X-rays are often used to visualize joint space, cartilage loss, and the presence of bone spurs, which are indicative of arthritis.

Thumb Arthritis

Thumb Arthritis Treatment Options 

While there is no cure for arthritis, there are various treatment options available to manage thumb arthritis:

Non-surgical Treatments:
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for pain and inflammation.
  • Counterirritants that distract from pain.
  • Corticosteroids to reduce inflammation.
  • Analgesics for pain relief.
  • Physical therapy and exercises to strengthen thumb muscles.
  • Wrist supports and braces.
  • Activity modification to reduce thumb stress.


Surgical Measures:
  •  Total joint replacement.
  •   Fusion surgery to eliminate pain by fusing the bones.
  •   Ligament reconstruction to stabilize the joint.
  •   Ligament reconstruction and tendon interposition (LRTI) to prevent bone friction.

In severe cases, surgery may be required. Recovery from surgery may take several weeks to months and may involve working with a physical therapist.


Finding Relief from the Pains of Thumb Arthritis 

Thumb arthritis is a common condition that can cause discomfort and limitations in hand function. While it cannot be cured, there are various treatments available to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. Early diagnosis and appropriate management are essential for individuals dealing with thumb arthritis.

If you suspect you have thumb arthritis or are experiencing thumb pain, there are many reputable hand doctor options from the Ascension or Beaumont healthcare systems or you can seek assistance from a qualified medical professional at a private practice. Arora Hand Surgery, led by Dr. Avery Arora, a specialist in upper extremity problems and a top Michigan hand doctor, has helped countless individuals alleviate their thumb arthritis symptoms. You can contact the practice, with four locations in West Bloomfield, Warren, Macomb, and Howell, at (888) 392-4263 or schedule your consultation

Conditions Fingers Treatments

Identify Symptoms of Trigger Finger and Understand Your Medical Treatment Options

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Trigger finger, also known as stenosing tenosynovitis, is a common hand condition that can cause discomfort and limited mobility. It occurs when the tendons in your fingers become inflamed or swollen, making it difficult to straighten or bend the affected finger smoothly. Recognizing the symptoms of trigger finger and understanding the available medical treatment options is crucial for effective management. In this blog post, we will explore the symptoms of trigger finger and discuss various treatment options to help you make informed decisions regarding your hand health.


Understanding Trigger Finger Symptoms 

  • Finger Stiffness and Snapping Sensation

One of the primary symptoms of trigger finger is stiffness in the affected finger joint. You may notice resistance or a sensation of catching or snapping when trying to straighten or bend your finger. This is caused by the inflamed tendon passing through the narrowed tendon sheath.

  • Finger Locking in a Bent Position

Trigger finger can cause your finger to lock in a bent position, making it challenging to straighten. You may experience a momentary “catch” or “pop” when attempting to extend the finger fully.

  • Finger Pain and Tenderness

Pain and tenderness are common symptoms associated with trigger finger. The affected area may feel sore, particularly around the base of the affected finger.

  • Swelling and Nodule Formation

In some cases, trigger finger may cause swelling and the formation of a small, tender nodule near the base of the affected finger. This nodule can be felt as a palpable lump.


Exploring Medical Treatment Options for Trigger Finger 


Non-Surgical Approaches for Trigger Finger
  • Rest and Activity Modification: Giving your finger rest and avoiding activities that exacerbate symptoms can help reduce inflammation and relieve discomfort.
  • Splinting: Wearing a splint to immobilize the affected finger can help alleviate symptoms by reducing movement and providing support.
  • Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs): Over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen or naproxen can help reduce inflammation and provide temporary relief.
  • Hand Exercises: Performing gentle stretching and strengthening exercises prescribed by a healthcare professional can improve finger mobility and reduce symptoms.
  • Corticosteroid Injections: Your trigger finger hand doctor may recommend a corticosteroid injection. This injection delivers a powerful anti-inflammatory medication directly into the affected area, reducing swelling and relieving symptoms. Multiple injections may be required, depending on the severity of your condition.


Surgical Intervention for Trigger Finger  

If conservative measures and injections fail to provide long-term relief, surgical intervention may be necessary. The surgical procedure, known as a trigger finger release surgery, involves widening the constricted tendon sheath, allowing the tendon to glide freely. This can usually be performed on an outpatient basis, with a relatively quick recovery time.

Recognizing the symptoms of trigger finger and understanding the medical treatment options for trigger finger are essential for effectively managing this common hand condition. If you experience finger stiffness, a snapping sensation, finger locking, pain, tenderness, or swelling, it’s important to seek medical evaluation and diagnosis.

Non-surgical approaches such as rest, splinting, medication, and exercises are often effective in relieving symptoms. However, if conservative treatments prove inadequate, corticosteroid injections or trigger finger release surgery may be recommended to restore finger mobility and alleviate discomfort.

Remember, consulting with a healthcare professional such as Dr. Avery Arora, a top Michigan hand specialist, is crucial for accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment recommendations. They can guide you through the process, help educate you on your trigger finger treatment options, and provide appropriate care to ensure the best possible outcome for your hand health.

If you believe you may be experiencing symptoms of trigger finger, it may be time to get in touch with top MI hand surgeon Dr. Avery Arora. You can schedule an appointment at one of his four offices in West Bloomfield, Warren, Macomb, or Howell, Michigan.

Conditions Fingers

What Is Trigger Finger and How Is It Treated?

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If you’ve seen people with what looks like permanently bent fingers, such as the ones in this picture, they may have a condition called “trigger finger.” The name comes from the resemblance of the index finger holding a gun. In this blog, we’ll talk about what is trigger finger and how it can be treated.

Trigger finger (Stenosing Tenosynovitis) occurs when the fingers are either locked in place or when they “catch” in place as you bend them. Trigger finger is due to inflammation of the tendons on the finger and/or thumb.

As you may know, the job of the tendons is to connect the muscles and bones. Tendons allow for movement of the arms, hands, and fingers. Normally, they work smoothly due to their natural lubrication; however, if the tendon is swollen, it can cause the finger to catch and stick when it is bent.


Why Does Trigger Finger Occur?

A number of different variables can increase the risk of developing trigger finger including having rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and/or gout. Those who hold an object in the same position for a long period can also aggravate the tendons and increase their likelihood for developing this condition over time. Repetitive and forceful movements, such as playing electric guitar, can cause the condition to occur as well.

Trigger finger affects people in many industries and walks of life. Those who perform repetitive tasks with their fingers and thumbs are at the greatest risk. Women seem to suffer from the problem more than men, and it tends to happen most often in those who are between 40 and 60.

why does trigger finger occur?

Understanding the Trigger Finger Symptoms

Those who may suffer from trigger finger will likely notice that the base of their finger (or thumb) is sore. Of course, this symptom alone does not mean that you are going to have the condition and that’s why it’s so important to receive a proper diagnosis from a doctor.

Here’s a list of trigger finger symptoms to look for:

  • Finger stiffness, especially when first waking up in the morning
  • Pain when bending or straightening the finger(s)
  • Hearing a clicking or popping sound from the affected fingers
  • Painful bumps at the base of your finger
  • Fingers stuck in a bent position


Treatment for Trigger Finger

The first course of treatment recommended by most doctors is to rest the affected fingers, as this can help to relieve the inflammation on the tendon.  In some cases, a hand specialist like Dr. Arora, might want to splint the finger, as this will keep you from inadvertently moving the joint. Many times, with rest, this can remove the problem. If the problem persists, though, the doctor might prescribe medicine to help keep the inflammation down or a steroid injection. In some severe cases, the doctor may recommend hand surgery.

The recovery time for trigger finger will vary based on the type of treatment and the severity of the case. Those who take anti-inflammatory drugs and rest the finger can resolve the issue in a few weeks. Splinting could take several weeks as well. Those who have surgery will likely have a longer recovery period, as they have to consider the recovery time of the incision. Even though an incision for this type of surgery is typically small, it can still be tender for some time after the surgery.

If you believe you are suffering from trigger finger, and you have found that resting doesn’t help, it may be time to get in touch with top MI hand surgeon Dr. Avery Arora. You can schedule an appointment at one of his four offices in West Bloomfield, Warren, Macomb, or Howell, Michigan.


Fingers Hands

Is My Finger Permanently Bent? | Dupuytren’s Contracture: What You Should Know

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If you have fingers that look as if they bend permanently toward your palm, there’s a strong chance you have Dupuytren’s Contracture, a rare type of hand disorder that tends to take a number of years to develop. Many individuals mistake this condition for trigger finger, but the main difference is that Dupuytren’s Contracture affects the tissue while trigger finger involves the tendons. If you’re wondering “Is my finger permanently bent?” then continue reading to learn more about this condition.

Dupuytren’s Contracture has many names, some of which are:

  • Vikings disease
  • Contraction of palmar fascia
  • Dupuytren disease
  • Dupuytren’s contracture
  • Familial palmar fibromatosis
  • Palmar fascial fibromatosis
  • Palmar fibromas

This condition causes the layers of tissues that lay beneath the skin on the palm of the hand to begin to form knots. These knots thicken and can cause one or more of the fingers to bend, creating difficulty to perform normal, day-to-day tasks such as putting on gloves or grasping larger objects.

Dupuytren’s Contracture

In most cases, only the ring finger and the pinky are affected. In very rare cases, though, the condition can also affect the thumb and the index finger. An interesting fact is Dupuytren’s Contracture tends to affect older men who have a Northern European heritage.


What Is the Cause of Dupuytren’s Contracture?

Currently, the cause of Dupuytren’s Contracture is unknown. Researchers have not been able to find any evidence that it is related to hand injuries or any occupations that have repetitive stress issues from vibration. However, they have found a number of factors that can increase the risk of developing the condition.

  • Men, as mentioned before, are the most likely to develop the contracture, and it typically affects those who are 50 and over.
  • The condition also tends to run in families, indicating it could be genetic.
  • Those who have diabetes are also at an elevated risk.
  • Smoking can increase the risk of developing Dupuytren’s Contracture, as can alcohol.


Is My Finger Permanently Bent?

Once your fingers are bent from Dupuytren’s Contracture, it will no longer be possible to straighten them back to how they were before. Here at Arora Hand Surgery, we understand that this fact may be hurtful and jarring to hear.

However, we want to assure you that there are ways to reduce the effects of this condition through Dupuytren’s Contracture hand therapy, collagenase injection (a special enzyme that can soften and weaken larger lumps), needle injections that break up the hard tissue, or even Dupuytren’s Contracture hand surgery.

Speaking with a doctor is the first step in understanding how to proceed so that the condition can be reduced or even eliminated for several years.


Talking with a doctor.

You will want to speak with a hand specialist about this condition, so refer to your primary care physician who will then refer you to a local specialist. A hand specialist such as Dr. Avery Arora will want to know more about your medical history and how you have been dealing with the condition. Some questions Dr. Arora would ask would be:

  • Is a history of Dupuytren’s Contracture in your family?
  • Have you tried any Dupuyren’s Contracture treatments?
  • What medications are you taking?
  • When did the symptoms first start?
  • Are you experiencing pain?
  • Has the condition been getting gradually worse?
  • How does it affect your lifestyle?

Here at Arora Hand Surgery, we care about your health. If you are feeling finger, hand, wrist, or elbow pain, visit Dr. Avery Arora, Michigan’s top hand surgeon, at one of his southeast Michigan offices located in West Bloomfield, Warren, Macomb Township, or Howell.





Removing a Ring from a Swollen Finger

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Over the years, your hands change due to factors such as aging, pregnancy, and injuries. Fingers can become swollen versions of what they once were, and conditions like arthritis only make those symptoms worse. No matter the reasons why your fingers are just not the size they used to be, you may be finding it difficult to remove a ring that once fit comfortably. In this blog, we’ll explore different ways of removing a ring from a swollen finger.

So, what do you do if you need to remove a ring? There are a few different things you can try.

The Basic Method

This method will work in some cases if the finger is not severely swollen and before it’s turned purple or discolored. Here are the steps to this method:

  • Raise your hand above your head and keep it raised for several minutes. This will allow the blood to drain from your hand and allow for some swelling to decrease.
  • Apply ice to the finger while keeping the hand raised. You can use indirect ice (ice wrapped in a towel) for 20 minutes or direct ice for 10 minutes.
  • Use a lubricant on the finger to make the ring more slippery on the skin. Two of the best options are Windex and mineral oil. Soap can work if you have nothing else, but keep in mind that it can dry out or irritate the skin making things more difficult.
  • Slowly work the ring upwards and over the knuckle. Do not irritate the skin or pull too hard. If you work on the ring and are too rough, your finger will swell even more and the problem will become much more difficult.
  • Continue icing the finger off and on while you try to remove it from your finger. Do not leave direct ice on your finger for too long.

If you’re lucky, may not even have to follow through with all of these steps, and you may discover that elevation, icing, or using a lubricant respectively will be enough to let you slide the ring off your finger safely. If these methods do not work, though, then you can try the dental floss trick.

The Dental Floss Method

Removing a Ring from a Swollen FingerYou will need a large amount of dental floss to do this. Start by threading it under the ring so you have a “pull” handle of floss facing the wrist. The rest of the floss will be facing your fingers.

Begin wrapping the floss tightly around your finger close to the ring itself. Wrap the floss over and over all the way to the joint or over the joint if the joint itself the problem. Make sure to wrap tightly so that you compress the tissue of your finger.

Now, tightly grab the end of the floss that is dangling on the other side of the ring. You will now want to start unwrapping the floss. As you do, it will force the ring downwards, sliding with the floss. This should allow the ring to slide over the joint and hopefully set you free.

If you don’t have dental floss, other things you can use are thin string or a rubber band. You will just need to use the same method of wrapping and then unwrapping.

If none of these methods work, then it may be time to have the ring cut off. Jewelry stores, fire departments, and emergency rooms will have appropriate cutters available, and this will get the ring off quickly and easily, even if it is not your ideal option.

If your finger is turning purple, becoming discolored, or losing feeling, then you should visit a doctor as soon as possible for removal and hand injury treatment. If you don’t have the ring removed quickly, you could lose your finger in some extreme cases.

Here at Arora Hand Surgery, we care about your finger health. If you are feeling hand/finger, wrist, or elbow discomfort, visit Dr. Avery Arora, a Michigan hand specialist, at one of his southeast Michigan offices located in West Bloomfield, Warren, Macomb Township, or Howell.


Fingers General

First Aid Tip: How to Wrap a Broken Knuckle

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Some people let a broken knuckle heal on its own, but we urge you not to do that.

Getting treatment as soon as possible for a knuckle injury is essential to proper recovery. If you don’t get a broken knuckle treated professionally, your finger may never look or function the same as it did prior to the injury.

For that reason, knowing how to wrap a broken knuckle until you can get in to see a doctor can help the bone set properly, reduce the possibility of further injury, and minimize pain.

How to Wrap a Broken Knuckle

Before wrapping a broken knuckle, examine the injured area to make sure the finger is likely broken, yet not bleeding, burned, or extremely swollen. All of these would require additional or other forms of first aid treatment, including possibly a visit to the emergency room.

Signs of a broken knuckle include:

  • Pain that is typically instant and severe, although you still may be able to bend the knuckle
  • Increased pain when you try to move the finger
  • Swelling, which typically begins about 10 minutes after the initial injury, of the affected finger as well as possibly other fingers, the palm, or the back of the hand
  • Inability to move your hand or affected fingers
  • Bruising that may be visible right away
  • Numbness as swelling increases
  • Finger compression
  • Difficulty making a fist
  • A sunken knuckle, which is the clearest sign of a broken knuckle

A common do-it-yourself first aid treatment in this case is to “buddy wrap” the affected finger with the one beside it.

Cut enough tape to wrap around both fingers, and place a piece of tape between the first and second joints and another piece between the second and third joints. Do not place the tape on the knuckles, but try to use pieces of medical tape that are wide enough to cover significant areas between the joints.

The tape should be firmly secured but not so tight that it causes the fingers to swell or become numb.

Alternatively, you can purchase a finger splint from a local pharmacy or other general retailer.

Make an Appointment with a Hand Doctor Afterward

The above recommendations regarding how to wrap a broken knuckle are intended for general first aid. Our blogs are for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice.

After first aid treatment, it’s important to see Dr. Arora in West Bloomfield, Howell, Warren, or Macomb Township for proper treatment of the broken knuckle. Make an appointment to see the hand specialist through our website or by calling our office.

Fingers General

What Happens if You Cut or Damage a Nerve in Your Finger?

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Even the thought of cutting a nerve in your finger can send a chill up your spine. If you truly do cut the nerve itself, this really is as serious as it sounds, and you should seek care as soon as possible. The sooner you get help for a damaged nerve in your finger, the more likely it is that full functionality can be restored.

However, if the injury is not deep enough to sever the nerve, your hand can usually heal itself without surgery, although you still should seek emergency treatment when necessary.

What are nerves, really?

“This is getting on my nerves.”

“You really cut a nerve with that comment.”

“I’m nervous.”

Do these phrases and idioms really relate to what nerves really are and what they do? Well, yes, they do — in a sense — when you think of it in terms of nerves sending signals to your brain, which controls your emotions.

In simple terms, the body has two primary nervous systems: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system is located outside of this area throughout the body.

Peripheral nerves transmit electric impulses into or away from the central nervous system as a form of communication. It’s essentially a communication network.

The peripheral nervous system consists of more than 100 billion nerve cells, or neurons. They run throughout the body like wires, connecting the brain to other parts of the body or various parts of the body with each other.

The peripheral nerves are made of bundles of nerve fibers, which are wrapped with layers of tissue that form what is known as the myelin sheath. The myelin sheath is responsible for speeding up nerve impulses, the intensity of which vary depending on their and the amount of tissue around them.

This drawing shows the three main nerves of the hand: the ulnar nerve, the median nerve, and the radial nerve.

How many nerves are in your hands?

Although there are a countless number of nerve cells, there are three primary nerve systems in your hands, wrists, and arms.

1. Ulnar nerve

The ulnar nerve is located at the pinky finger and the adjacent side of the ring finger. It provides sensations on the palm side of the hand. It travels up through the elbow and is responsible for the pain we feel when we bump our elbow.

2. Radial nerve

The radial nerve is responsible for sensations at the back of the hand at the little finger and the other half of the ring finger.

3. Median nerve

The median nerve starts at the shoulder and enters the hand through the carpal tunnel in the wrist. The median nerve is responsible for sensations in the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and part of the ring finger.

What happens if you cut or damage a nerve in your finger?

Many of us are familiar with the throbbing pain of a cut or injured finger. If you cut your finger and it is bleeding, the first step is to apply pressure to stop the bleeding. If the bleeding does not stop, you should go to your nearest hospital or urgent care facility, as you may need stitches.

If the sheath that covers the nerve remains intact after a cut, only the nerves farthest from the brain will be affected and die. (In other words, the deeper the cut, the closer it is to the nerve itself.) However, those can heal and grow back over time. Surgery is usually not necessary, but you will need to have the injury addressed by a medical professional for optimal healing.

If the injury is deep enough, you should seek emergency care as soon as possible, which may entail surgery to reattach the severed ends of the nerve sheath to one another.

In some cases, the cut may be deep enough that it damages the nerve itself. If that happens, the gap between the two parts of the nerve will have to be repaired, usually through a nerve graft from another part of the body. Another possibility is using a synthetic nerve conduit to bridge the gap in the nerve.

If the nerve in your finger was damaged due to a crushing injury, you may have to wait for the initial crush trauma to heal before the nerve damage can be addressed.

If you have damaged or cut a nerve in your finger, it’s important to seek care as soon as possible. If the need for treatment is urgent, go to your nearest emergency room. Otherwise, contact one of our hand surgery offices, located in West Bloomfield, Warren, Howell, and Macomb, for treatment as soon as possible.

Fingers General

How Do Nails Grow Back?

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You clip them one day. They’re back two days later.

You chip one one day. It’s back to normal within a day.

You hit one with a hammer, and the bruise goes away within a few weeks.

You overdo your manicures to the point that the nails become thinner, and they’re back to normal within a month.

You paint them one day … ok, well, that one doesn’t make the nail shorter or thinner, but it’s still one of the many things your nails go through in your lifetime — and yet they’re among the most resilient parts of our bodies.

How in the world? How does it happen? How do nails grow back so easily and look relatively the same? Is there a secret magic chamber hiding in our third knuckles? … And why, oh why, can’t our teeth do the same thing?

How Do Nails Grow Back?

How nails grow back is essentially about science.

Nails start out as living cells, which is why they continue to grow, but they harden and die once they become the nails that we see. That’s why it doesn’t hurt when we clip or file them.

Nails are made of a substance called keratin, which is the same thing that our hair is made of. And that makes sense. Both continue to grow throughout our lives, barring a significant injury or medical conditions.

The cuticles on our fingers and toes serve to protect the roots of the nails, which sit behind the cuticles. The root, or matrix, is a pocket of flesh that is connected to blood vessels that supply the nail with nutrients it needs to make new cells.

Fun fact: A fetus starts to grow nails when it is only 20 weeks old, and the baby’s tiny toes and little fingers have full nails by the time it’s born.

So, no, unless you’re Penn or Teller, there’s no magic in your hands — but the resiliency of our nails is still fascinating.

Can You Completely Lose a Fingernail?

Nails almost always grow back, and that’s the case even after accidentally whacking one with a hammer. It might look a little different, but typically you will get it back.

The reason for that is because it would actually be challenging to get under the root of the nail to the matrix in a manner that damages it for life. It’s a tough little pocket.

Only in very rare circumstances is the entire matrix damaged for good, and if that happens, the nail won’t grow back.

To answer your question about teeth — teeth are not made of keratin, and they’re not even “bone,” contrary to popular belief. They’re made up of enamel, dentin, cementum, and pulp.

So, no, as we humans are today, we can’t grow our teeth back … yet. It’s a nice little dream, though, isn’t it?

Fingers General Hands

Clubbed Thumb Surgery: Is it Possible?

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In many ways, clubbed thumbs or toe thumbs are endearing. They’re short, cute, and would certainly stand out if you’re trying to hitch a ride, so you can leave all those “plain-thumbed” hitchhikers in the dust.

Even though there’s medically nothing wrong with having stubbed thumbs, some of their owners often feel somewhat self-conscious about them.

Truly, there’s no need to feel that way. In fact, Dr. Arora would not advise or perform any type of surgery for clubbed thumbs in 99.99% of the cases he has seen.

However, if you are having trouble gripping or writing or have associated hand conditions, surgery for clubbed thumbs may be possible albeit risky.

Facts About Clubbed Thumb Surgery

Before we get into the basic facts about clubbed thumb surgery, let’s define what a clubbed thumb is.

Also known as a “toe thumb” or “stub thumb,” a clubbed thumb is more formally identified as a Brachydactyly type D skeletal variation. It may also be called “Brachymegalodactylism” . . . such a big word for such a little thumb, right?

Speaking of “little,” a clubbed thumb is simply about 2/3 the size of a longer thumb. The nail bed may be shorter and wider as well. Stub thumbs are genetic, just like the color of someone’s eyes or hair.

There is no simple surgical solution for clubbed thumbs. Risks include scarring, loss of sensation, and abnormal nail growth.

Surgery options for this type of brachydactyly are not formalized in any way in the United States. Some treatments may be completed in other countries, but they are not typical for the U.S.

The primary type of surgery for clubbed thumbs is an osteotomy. During an osteotomy, the bone is cut, and a bone grafting material is used to reshape the thumb, making it longer and narrower as needed.

However, your hand is a complex system. If you were born with clubbed thumbs, they most likely function optimally with the rest of your hand, just like a well-oiled machine. Narrowing the thumb or making it longer may change the dynamics of your hand’s functionality.

Dr. Arora’s philosophy is generally, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

Because clubbed thumb surgery is typically not advisable, just keep this in mind. Up to 3 percent of people in any given population have stub thumbs, so you’re not alone. In fact, some very beautiful and famous celebrities have toe thumbs.

If nothing else, consider it a gift — a beautiful feature that highlights how unique you really are.

Schedule a Consultation with our Hand Specialist in Southeast Michigan

If you are experiencing discomfort or pain in your hands, make an appointment to see Dr. Arora in West Bloomfield, Warren, Macomb Township, or Howell.

To make an appointment, call the hand doctor’s West Bloomfield office or send us a message through our website.

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Dr. Aroras office from my first call to schedule my appointment was friendly. Walking in the first day, I felt like I was in a nice atmosphere. Dr. Arora was EXCELLENT in taking great care of my hand injury. He was gentle and very understanding to the concerns I had about my hand. His expertise was admirable and I would recommend anyone with an injury to their hand to his office to be under his care. Because of him, I have healed faster than expected and will make an 100% recovery! Thank you Dr.

Jackie S.

I first thought I was going to have to have painful injections or surgery, but Dr. Arora suggested physical therapy may do the trick. I was doubtful, but I agreed to do it. Now, my pain is gone, and with the help of an ergonomic keyboard at work to keep my hands in the correct position, I am virtually pain free. The therapy strengthened my wrists and shoulders, and built more flexibility into my wrists.

Jerry T.

My experience with this doctor was positive from the outset. Dr. Arora was kind and spent a great deal of time with me. Staff was friendly. The office was nice and bright.

Ariel G.

Very friendly and helpful Great staff!!! Doctor Arora was very professional and did great work. I was very happy with everything!

L B.