

General Wrists

Treating a Wrist Sprain with a Splint

Wrist sprains are common injuries that can happen to people of all ages from a variety of causes. They can happen as sports injuries or from simple falls during normal daily activities. Whenever you fall, the natural reaction is to reach the hand out in an attempt to break the fall. This is what causes a tremendous amount of wrist sprains as the impact of the fall and the weight of the body are absorbed by the wrist, overextending it.

An injury to a ligament is known as a sprain. Ligaments are the connectors in the body that connect bone to bone as opposed to tendons, which connect muscle to bone. Sprains can vary in their severity to those that have only minor ligament damage and accompanying pain and swelling to the most severe, which is a complete tear of the ligament. When this happens, there is a loss of function in the affected joint.

A splint is commonly used as part of a treatment program for a sprain. Splints help to immobilize the joint in order to limit further irritation and to promote healing. Sometimes, people will use splints as a way of treating themselves when they suffer a sprain. However, splints used by individuals should only be used as a way to keep the injured joint immobile until professional medical help can be obtained.

Only through a professional evaluation can a sprain-type injury be properly diagnosed. One should seek medical care after an injury of this nature to rule out other injury types, such as fractures. If no fracture is involved, the sprain should be evaluated for severity. While most sprains will heal on their own, some of the most severe ones could require surgery.

When a splint is used as part of treatment, our doctor’s recommendations should be followed regarding when and for how long to wear it. If you wear the splint for too long, you could be putting yourself at risk for additional joint stiffness and muscle weakness. Depending on your particular injury, our doctor may recommend some strengthening and stretching exercises.

If you have suffered a fall or some type of joint injury and you are experiencing symptoms like pain, swelling and tenderness, you should seek an evaluation from our team at Arora Hand Surgery. Our medical professionals can conduct whatever tests are necessary for an accurate diagnosis and develop a treatment plan accordingly. We have offices in West Bloomfield, Howell, Warren, and Macomb. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.