

Conditions General

What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Surrounded by bones and ligaments, the carpel tunnel is the narrow space located on the palm side of your wrist. The main nerve and tendons that control the movement of your hand and fingers run through this tunnel. Affecting one or both hands, carpal tunnel syndrome causes pain and burning sensations that travel up your arm from the wrist. The symptoms typically affect the thumb, index finger and middle finger.

Women are more likely to be diagnosed with this condition, which is often more troublesome at night. The symptoms typically present themselves between the ages of 30 and 60. A number of factors can cause a pinched median nerve in your wrist.

Running from your forearm, the median nerve provides the sense of touch for your thumb and first three fingers. The numbness and tingling symptoms of carpel tunnel syndrome occur when the nerve is compressed. Chronic inflammation associated with an underlying medical condition is the most common reason for the swelling and compression.

Ailments typically related to the condition include diabetes, thyroid dysfunction and autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. High blood pressure and fluid retention associated with pregnancy or menopause can also cause inflammation in your wrist. Fractures or other trauma can cause carpal tunnel syndrome as well. Detrimental lifestyle choices like smoking, an increased body mass index and a high salt intake may increase the risk for developing carpal tunnel syndrome.

Repeated motions of your wrist can contribute to inflammation and swelling. Regularly overextending your wrist can make the symptoms worse. This type of physical stress occurs in occupations like assembly line work, construction and professions requiring constant keyboarding.

If you are experiencing the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, schedule an appointment at Arora Hand Surgery so that a comprehensive assessment can be conducted. Treatment options will depend on the severity of your condition. Typically, the earlier the syndrome is diagnosed and treated, the more favorable the outcome.

During a consultation at our office in West Bloomfield, Howell, Warren, or Macomb, our team may also provide information on helpful lifestyle changes. These measures can reduce the risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome in the future or provide significant long-term improvement or elimination of symptoms if you are already afflicted with the disorder.

You do not have to live with the debilitating effects of carpal tunnel syndrome. With the right treatment options and lifestyle changes, you can experience a significant improvement in your quality of life with help from Avery Arora, MD and his team at Arora Hand Surgery. Contact us today to book your appointment.